Chapter 19:

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"Okay I'll be back probably later tonight." I say getting out of the chair in the corner of the room. "Alright, we'll see you then." Kathy says. Jeff, unable to talk, waves goodbye and we go to the hospital lobby.

"How much is your rent?" Mike asks out of nowhere. "$500 a month. Why?" "Just wondering. We're looking to moving out of our apartment." "I'm looking for a roommate, now that Braxton's leaving." I say. "Braxton's leaving?" Amy asks, shocked. "June 27th he leaves for the Marine Corps." "Oh. So how about June 28th we move in with you?" She hints. "Sounds good." I smile.

After I drop them off, I go back home.

"I'm glad you're home baby." Braxton pulls me in to a hug. "Braxton I-" I start, but he cuts me off. "Don't. I understand why you flipped out like that. And I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you about it first, I just- I don't know. I'm sorry. I love you." He lets go of me and wipes the tears from my face.
"I love you too." I say.

I went to our bedroom to change. I took off my shirt just as Braxton was coming in. "Oh hey there's something I need to talk to you about." I say. He looked me over, "What is it?" "When you leave I'm taking in a new roommate or two." "Oh. Okay. Who is it?" "Mike and Amy. They can't afford to live in the apartment anymore so I said they could move in with me." "Okay. What about rent?" "We're going to discuss that later." He sighs and I take off my jeans.
"Oh hello." He catcalls me and picks me up by the waist. We make out and he lays me down on the bed while I take off his shirt. He lays down on top of me and makes his move. "Oh by the way, my parents are coming at noon." I say. He pulls out and looks at me. "Really." "What? I wasn't too excited to hear it either." I sigh.

Twenty minutes later my mom calls, interrupting what we were doing. I answer, not bothering to have Braxton pull out.
"Hi mom. What's up?" "I need your address." "It's 223 17th street. In the trailer park north of town." "Okay, we'll be there around 11:00." "Okay, see you then." I hang up and get back to my boyfriend.
"They'll be here in about 10 minutes." I say. He groans and gets up.

I put on a stylish black v-neck shirt and light blue jean shorts, and curl my hair.
"Babe what should I wear?" Braxton calls from the closet. I go in to pick his outfit, and later emerge with a nice plaid button-up shirt and jeans. "Try this on." I hand it to him, and he changes while I do my makeup. My parents arrive shortly after.


We went to our favorite restaurant in town, China King Buffet, and had Mike and Amy meet us there.
"Well Braxton, do you want to tell them?" I ask. He swallows hard, "I've joined the Marine Corps, I'm leaving June 27th." "And we're all moving in together!" Amy butts in. My parents look at her, then at me, and I nod. "We had to move out of our apartment, and she was looking for a roommate for when Braxton leaves." Mike says.


"Why don't you just move back home?" My mother asks opening the car door.
"Mom, this is my home now." I hug her.
"I know but, I miss you."
"I miss you too momma."

Hey guys! Sorry for the short and boring update, just needed a little filler.
Anyways, in the next update the date will be June 26th.
Love ya'll!

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