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Naomi's POV

I ran and ran not exactly to a place in mind but just away from Ace at the moment. I know I shouldn't feel this way towards him especially when there's someone I'm already in love with.

I stop once I got to the other end of the ship and leaned back against the wall and dragged myself down until I hit the floor. I let my tears flow as I think about the situation I'm in right now. Am I truly in love with Ace? should I just end my search and try to be with him?

I can't.

not when he's in love with someone else.

Was he just using me for the moment to seduce me in being his pleasure partner like Marco does or did he truly mean everything he said earlier.

There's just way too much to think about.

Even through everything, I've been thinking very hard about how I'm even suppose to find him. I don't even remember his name, exactly how he looks and where he's from.

I just remember how he made me feel safe and free from everything I had been going through. I remember 2 others who would always join us on adventures.

How would I even know if he would feel the same about me.

I just look up at the now half dark sky. I inhale and exhale trying to relax myself. I know for a fact I can't be around Ace at the moment. That's also tough since we're on the same ship in the middle of the ocean and we share a room.

I thought of the one place I could get away and be alone for awhile and that was my ship. I get up and and make my way to where my ship had been placed.

it's a good thing everyone is still in the dining room, I really don't want anyone to see that I had been crying.

Ace's POV

I decided to just stay put from where I was as Naomi seems to need her space at the moment. I got myself into this situation. I want to tell her that the special person is her, but deep down I didn't know where to start.

I make my way over to the deck part Naomi had been sitting on earlier having her dinner.

I bet she's on the ship somewhere looking up at the stars. It's something she always seems to be mesmerized by while also letting her thoughts run through. watching her stare at the stars is the one thing that makes her stand out to me as I can never get enough of it.

I really did mess things up between us big time.

I then see smoke fly towards my face, I turn to see where it's coming from and to my surprise, Thatch had taken a seat right next to me.

"what you been thinking about there?" Thatch then asks as he takes another puff of his cigarette.

I look back up at the sky before answering.


I explained everything to thatch including what happened at Naomi's ship before we came here to whitebeards.

"So. You finally have feelings for someone. I didn't think you'd finally grow into a man." Thatch said wiping his non existing tears.

I lightly punch his shoulder. "Who else knows about your feelings towards Naomi?" he asked me.

"Other than you, just Marco and pops."

"Well at least that means no one else would know about this situation you got yourself into and tease you." We stayed silent for a moment

"Listen Ace, you need to be straightforward. I know it'll be hard for you since your a little virgin and all but just tell her the truth. Although it wouldn't have to be right away and let her know that you're not ready, let her know you'll tell her when you know it's the right time."

What Thatch said instantly opened my mind. What he said gave me a lot to think about to somewhat fix this.

"I will tell her someday." I said with a slight smile looking at the sky.



"So.. Naomi-"

"stop right there." I cut Thatch off before he said something inappropriate. I then hear him chuckle.

"well I hope everything between you two goes well in the future. She's definitely a keeper."

"I really hope so."

Thatch then gasps which causes me to look in his direction.

"I completely forgot to let you know about this beauty a found during the supply run." He says before reaching into his pocket of his chef uniform.

Right then and there he holds it in front of our faces.

"I cannot believe I found a devil fruit. It's the Dark Dark fruit, It's supposedly grants you to control darkness at your own will." He explains.

I stare at the fruit seeing how different it looks compared to the Flame Flame fruit, although it's really just the difference of the colours. the flame fruit was a bright orange colour, and this one is purple.

"Are you gonna eat it?" I questioned, wanting to know what his decision was.

"You know you'll lose the ability to swim." I chuckled teasing him into having a harder decision. I hear him chuckle as well before answering. "I don't really know yet." he says as he brings the fruit closer to his face looking into it more. "How's it taste?" he asked.

"To tell the truth.  It's pretty gross." he then laughs at my response.  "So am I the first person you told?" I asked him.

"Of course not idiot, I had shown everyone in the dining room earlier. That's why I came searching for you since I hadn't seen you in there. And here we are now."

" ahh I see. Well if you do decide to eat it, I'll show you the ropes." I smile towards him.

"Very well, I'll keep that in mind brother." he then gets up ready to leave.

"I should get to cleaning the kitchen. Oh and I'm rooting for you, make Naomi yours!" He shouts before walking off. 

I panic and make sure there isn't anyone around who heard that. I then turn to his direction to shout back at him just to notice he was already gone.

Now he got me thinking all about her once again.

I should really head to sleep. I make my way to my room to then stop in my tracks of realization. Naomi and I share a room. She's probably in there.

No. We can't just avoid each other like we did before. I then proceeded walking to our shared room. Anyways she's most likely sleeping.

I stand in front of our room and take a deep breath before opening the door, preparing myself in case she is still awake.

The door handle squeaks as I turn it to open the door. The lights are off. So she is sleeping. With that in mind made it easier for me to walk in. I don't turn the lights on as I wouldn't want to wake her.

I head quietly to the bathroom to freshen up before bed.

After my shower. I make my way to my bed while being as quiet as I can and then get under the covers. I can't help but turn to face Naomi's bed. I can see her body lying down in the dark. I guess we will find out how things will go for us tomorrow.

With that, I watched her lying there as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Hey everyone still reading. I know it's been awhile but I got free time and posted 2 chapters! I know these aren't really the exciting ones but there will be :)
anyways see you guys next Thursday

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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