Chapter 14! End of Arc1

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3rd POV

The next morning~

"So.. How's this gonna work?"Naomi asked Ace as they both stood in front of the door where they'd be sharing a room.

"Listen Ace... I can sleep in my ship.. no big deal" Naomi nervously said.

"No no no. That's just not gonna work now is it?" Marco said coming from behind the both of them.

"And why is that?" Naomi asked as she turned to face Marco

"Well your ship will use up a lot of power and that's a lot of filling to do and talk about the money.. now how are you going to afford that huh Naomi." Marco smirked and tapped her little nose before walking away.

"He's right." Ace spoke.
"I promise I'm not a bad roommate Naomi." Ace scratched the back of his neck.

Naomi smiled at Ace and opened the door to the room.

"Oh wow. It's not that small and it's tidy."

"Were you expecting it to be a mess?" Ace chuckled

"Well yeah you're not th- wait... there's only one bed."

"Don't look all flustered now. We'll just bring another bed over." Ace gently pushed Naomi.

"I wasn't thinking like that you know Baka!"

They spent the whole day organizing and moving things to the room.

As it was already late, Naomi and Ace began preparing for bed.

Naomi had her bed on the left side with at least 5 pillows as she does love to sleep comfortably and her fluffy duvet covers, her one nightstand beside the bed with a desk lamp on it. She also had a small drawer right at the end of her bed where she kept all her go to outfits.

Ace on the other hand had his set up on the right. His bed with 2 pillows and sheets as his blanket against the wall on the opposite side of Naomi's side. His one nightstand also beside it with his desk lamp. Though he does have his own little closer door opening near the end of his bed.

The two have their own little bathroom they share as well.

"Im gonna go freshen up.." Naomi had told Ace who was just laying on his bed starring at the ceiling before heading to the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.
She ran herself a quick little bath and did all her nightly routines

Ace heard a knock on the door and got up to open it revealing Marco on the other side.

"Marco what the hell!!" Ace yelled at him.
"What? I knocked." Marco said bluntly.

"You know what I mean! You told pops, didn't you?"
"Whoa whoa hold on there.. I didn't say anything. You did! Well you didn't actually say it, but more like showed it."

"What are you talking about?" Ace asked confused.

"He read you like a book Ace. It's not hard to tell that you like Naomi. Pops has never seen you interested in any girl before.. if I'm being honest. At one point we all thought you might be gay."
Ace smacks Marco

"Heyyy! We know you're not! Well at least now..anyways once we saw how you act around Naomi, well by 'we' I mean, pops and I. He just wants everything between you guys to work." Marco said scratching the back of his neck.

Ace just stood silently at the door.

"You and I know that this isn't gonna work between us. She ha-."

"Has someone she's in love with.. I know. I've told pops, but you know him-

Before Marco could finish his sentence, they both jump at hearing the bathroom door open slightly.

"Ace.. can you get me a towel please!" Naomi said from behind the bathroom door.

"Well you heard her." Marco whispered to Ace and pushed him back inside the room and shut the door behind him.

"Ace?" Naomi questioned.

"Just one second" Ace said as he panicked around the room looking for a towel.

Once he had found one . He covered his eyes with his hand , held up his other hand holding the towel and began walking towards the bathroom.

"Okay Naomi. Here's the towel." He then stuck his hand through the the door that was opened only a tiny bit so her doesn't see her.

"What are you doing?" Naomi questioned

"I'm giving you the towel" he responded.

"But why are you covering your eyes?" She asked.

Aces cheeks went bright red when she asked.

"S-so I don't see y-yo-."

"I'm not naked." Naomi chuckles

She snatched the towel from his hand.

"I needed this for my hair. I'm wearing a bath Robe."

She puts her hands on the hand Ace was using to cover his eyes and she slowly pulls it away.
Ace then opens his eyes and see that she was indeed, in her bath robe.

"We're gonna be roommates for awhile now so lighten up! There will definitely be a few situations like this. So we just got to get use to it." And with that, Naomi taps his nose and starts drying her hair with the towel.

Ace then walks to his bed all embarrassed about what just happened.


Thank you all for your support on my fanfic!! This is the end of that Arc and I can't wait to start #2!!
I'm sorry that this Chapter is a little short but there is way more to come!

I wonder which characters will be in the second arc. I will release a bonus chapter on January 1st! Aka Aces Birthday Special! Then Arc 2 will be posted on the 5th of January

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