Chapter 13 WhiteBeard

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Ace's POV

I yawn loudly as I stand next to Marco.

"I see it!" I hear Marco shout.

I shook my head to clear myself and look where he's looking. Whitebeard ! Finally we get to see pops and the others

"I should go let Naomi know." I say before receiving a nod from Marco and heading out.

The past 2 days Since Naomi and I had resolved our situation have been fine... to her.

Of course I'm bummed out. The girl I like already has someone.

She has been acting as if the night between us never happened which isn't really a bad thing but it does bug me.

I'm on the second floor right in front of the door to Naomi's room where she currently is.
I knock and and a few seconds later Naomi opens the door wearing a white tank top with a light grey cardigan over and light washed high waisted blue jeans.

No matter what she wears, she's stunning.

"Yes?" Naomi snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Just letting you know that we'll be docking on the moby dick in a few minutes." I say nervously to her.

"Oh wow, we're already here?" Naomi Says.

I nod.

"I can't wait to meet everyone!" Naomi's cheerfully says.

"I'm sure they'll all Like you." I chuckle.

Naomi steps out and closes the door behind her. "Let's go wait out on the deck, I want to admire the moby dick. I heard the Whitebeard pirates are one of the strongest pirates out there."

"Where have you heard that from?" I ask while we both walk to the front of the ship.

"Ohh y-you know.. on the island before." Naomi began saying silently.

The island where we argued. I still wonder how she beat those pirates all by herself. Even though she seems strong enough to take practically anyone down doesn't mean I want her to. I still care for her safety.

As we stood on the deck, we saw pops ship right in front of us.

"Hey Everyone we're back!" I yell loud enough for the crew to hear me. I wave and see thatch and the others show up by the railing of the moby dick.

"Oiii Ace and Marco are back!" Thatch yells back to inform others.

Soon after I see practically everyone there to see us, they all wave back at me.

"Ace! Who's that beautiful angel standing next to you!" Vista yells.

After he had yelled, he had everyone's attention on Naomi.

Everyone is drooling over her. I shouldn't be jealous but I am.
I turn to look at Naomi and she's just waving at everyone.

"Hello! My names Naomi and I have been travelling with Marco and Ace." Naomi says as she waves and bows to them which leaves them all stunned and fawning over her even more.

I look at the moby dick and see the back of the ship opening for us to dock inside.

As I watch us steering inside I felt someone grip their hand in mine, I turn and see Naomi staring at me.

"If I'm being completely honest. I'm nervous about meeting Whitebeard." She says quietly while looking down as her cheeks turn pink.

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