Input plz <3 //AN

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Hi Everyone!

It's been ages since i've properly touched wattpad.
I'm adding this here(and as a new part of the original story), because i am thinking of rewriting this sequel.
I wanted to write it because somehow people actually read this story which made me feel proud.
But i let myself get dragged into fanfic plots. I was writing fanfic for the hell of it, instead of focusing on decent characters.
Of course i don't know these men, but I ended up making Aoi himself a tad to dickish for my own taste, which led me into a writing hole i cant get myself out without some over the top unfitting plottwist. I might keep the start, because it was always suposed to open with a misunderstanding but I want the in put of to me the most important opinion.
It can be either me changing everything starting from a certain chapter, or just adapting parts of it to make it less.. overly teenage dramatic.
(and yes i've asked ya'll before if i should finish this, but i got stock because of the no longer genuine story line lol)

If you've read the original, and read this sequel (or even a part of it) please let me know.
I want to start writing and maybe finishing these stories I have, also the other ones.

Although i think i might stick to writing a lot before i upload and then uploading multiple chapters at a time.

And if you have any story requests for a character, please let me know. You can comment or message me. Thank you for reading this and let me know what you think about me rewriting the sequel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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