Nothing is what it seems

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I had a wonderful time with Uruha. It was nice to get my mind off of everything before we had to perform tonight. With a last laugh we left and headed out for Ruki's place. Everyone was supposed to meet there. We knocked on the door and the door flew open as we were greeted by a tired looking Ruki. He led us towards the living room and there I saw a sight that broke my heart. Aoi was laying there, his every day make up speared and with three empty bottles around him. My feet moved by itself towards him while in the distance I could hear Ruki's voice explain how his friend got himself that far. ''He just barged into the house and without saying anything he started drinking. When he started to actually feel it I could softly hear him mutter your and Ayame's name, but I couldn't exactly make out the rest of his words.'' While I heard Ruki speak, tears formed in my eyes. Did this have something to do with me? I sat down next to where his body was laying. The pain and discomfort on his face made me forget all about my own pain and anger so I moved his head so it was laying on top of my lap, started petting through his raven hair softly while humming a song . The tension in his body seemed to slowly leave as his eyes opened slightly and looked up at me. His eyes held a vagueness but I could still clearly see the pain. What happened to him..? While I continued to comfort him he whispered my name and nuzzled his face into me, making me smile. I had so missed him, missed this. Slowly he moved his body to sit up straight and locked his eyes with mine. His expression was clouded with emotions I couldn't identify. He moved his head closer and.... The door swung open and Shinzo came walking in. And like it never happened Aoi was back in his spot.
Uruha saw a familiar pain return to my face before she got up. I searched for the keyboard I knew Ruki had somewhere in his apartment. And I found it in the next room. I plugged it in and turned it on. Sitting down I let out a draggy sigh and let my fingers make contact with the keys. ''If you would please join me Uruha. Lets test our idea.'' He grabbed the acoustic guitar that was next to the keyboard and at the same time we started playing. We played plegde but a bit more in my own style. Uruha had taken on the original vocals and I started with a second set of vocals. Every single one in the room seemed to be intoxicated by this version of their bands song. Not only where the second vocals perfect for the song, but my and Uruhas voices matched like they were meant to sing together. Even to them the world seemed to stop as they lived in this exact moment. All the hurt was gone, it was just music. All that actually mattered. After a few magical minutes the song came to an end and the biggest smile appeared on My face. ''That, was, AMAZING!'' My voice was almost a squeal as I jumped up and tightly hugged the man before me. ''I can't believe it. You've made it even better. I didn't think it was possible.'' Ruki's voice filled the air in the other room. ''All the idea credits go to this little lady here.'' Uruha ruffled My hair and we made our way back to the couch and sat down. By now Shinzo was sitting on Aoi's lap and she completely ignored my existence and so did the guy she was using as chair. Who's face was now cold and empty once again. Yet the smile didn't vanish from my face. This was what I was meant to do. Music was my life, not some guy who couldn't appreciate me. And like that i was able to bury the pain locked inside. I was going to be free. Not bound to my past. A knock was heard on the door and both bands managers came in announcing we had to get backstage.
That night I felt true freedom. Not even that mans presence behind me on the stage bothered me anymore.

Aoi's pov.
After that beautiful girl finished their song with my best friend and i saw them hug. I missed her smiling like that over me. Why did Shinzo show up. Maybe if she hadn't come I would've been able to taste Ayame's lips once more. I watched her sit down with Uruha even though Shinzo was mostly in the way, I still noticed a change in her eyes. Her smile didn't fade and it almost seemed like a fire returned to her eyes.

That night, no matter what i tried, i couldn't get her attention on stage. It was like we were nothing but strangers. So that night when I fell asleep, all I could feel was an old pain...

I want to love all of you (Aoi Fanfic Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now