Expect the unexpected

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"Why did you even come back here?"

My heart stopped in that exact moment. My eyes met his and all the emotions came back. The love I felt for him, the pain that overtook me when I saw him with her, the anger and the defeat. The tears forming in my eyes held all of that. ''W..why I came back?'' I couldn't process these words properly. Was that really his voice? The voice that once told me he cared for me? ''I came back for the fucking festival, for my band, FOR ME.'' Slowly I started raising my voice towards the person before me as I got up. '' YOU abandoned me, YOU ran away to be with that...that Shinzo. I was planning on staying, for you. And you broke my fucking heart. I had to rebuild myself and hide the holes you left inside my heart. I made my entire life about my music, about my band, to even survive the pain I felt. And you have the guts to ask ME why I came back?! Go suck faces with that girl you replaced me with and don't ever speak to me again!''

Aoi's POV
Her words overtook me. She was going to stay...? I could feel emotions coming back to me. Memories of when I fell in love with her flashed through my mind. What was I doing? What happened to me. I was madly in love with this girl just a year ago. Now her voice held nothing but anger and pain as she raised her voice at me. I couldn't help but stare at her with wide eyes as she grabbed her stuff and stormed out of the room with tears clearly streaming down her cheeks. She changed so much. Where did her adorable innocence go? Was I the reason..?

Ayame's POV
With my emotions still raging within me, I stormed out of the room my former love was. I ran away. Through the hallways. My bag close to my body and tears streaming down my face. Why did I tell him all of that?! I was internally yelling at myself. I let myself go, completely this time. I raced towards the exit without even looking. I had to get out of here. But I was careless so I ran straight into someone. When I looked up, I felt a wave of relieve come over me. It was Uruha who, without a second thought, directly hugged me. I must've looked horrid. Make up smeared and my puffy red eyes. But the hug felt so reassuring and safe. I had missed this. I keep reminding myself but I did. I had missed everyone of these men. Especially Uruha. For the first time since I left I had the sense that I wasn't standing alone in this. Like they were on my side.. It felt nice.

Uruha's POV
When she ran into me I, of course, started of irritated but then I saw it was Ayame. And after a better look I could see her face. She'd been sobbing for sure... I knew I shouldn't have let Aoi stay around her. That asshole. Even if he was my friend, he had no right to do this to her. While I hugged her I started making plans. I needed to help her. She couldn't do this on her own any longer nor would I let her. So I took her hand and without saying another word dragged her to a place to her yet unknown. I had thought of the perfect plan...

-30 minutes later-
Aoi's POV
I was still sitting in that exact spot I was in when she ran out of this room. I was still trying to process all of this. Why did it take me this long? No idea. It wasn't like I still had feelings for her... Did I? I let out a loud sigh and got up. I needed to get out. I needed a smoke and some coffee and there was only one place that always combined these perfectly. After leaving the building and a few minutes walking I arrives. Shinigami. It was my favorite coffee shop and the only one that you could still have a smoke inside in. But right when I wanted to open the door I saw them. Uruha and Ayame. Together. Laughing. Having fun. It didn't just look friendly, he held her hand and kept moving her hair out of her face. She kept blushing and giggling.
This was a date.

I couldn't believe my eyes. How dare he! Didn't he have any respect. There was a code for this. He out of all people would be the one to respect it. How could he, my best friend with my girlfriend... Wait. Of course I meant ex girlfriend. All of these emotions I couldn't identify rushed through my heart, body and mind. Was I mad? Sad? Jealous? I didn't know. All I knew was I had to get back to Ruki's apartment and have a drink. I needed to unwind.
How would I ever be able to play the festival tonight when I wouldn't even be able to look my best friend in the eye..

How was that for a plot twist?
Stay lovely~

I want to love all of you (Aoi Fanfic Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now