Fight or flight.

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Ayame's pov.

I was sitting in a park on a bench smoking a cigarette. He was such a smug asshole. As if I'm to blame for what happened. I let out a loud sigh while closing my eyes. "I really need to get a better type of guy to fall for..."

"He wasn't always like this you know." A familiar voice replied to my spoken thoughts. I didn't need to open my eyes to know Uruha was standing next to the bench I was seated on. "What good does that do me? I had my heart broken. Then when I came back to this country has it torn apart as if it means nothing." I inhaled some more nicotine to keep my anger from returning. His face came to my mind again which actually didn't make me feel all to much. I didn't know if I had buried it or if my feelings had left. But boy was I fine with not feeling them. Uruha sat down next to me seeing perfectly how cold this situation had made me. But I didn't mind. I wasn't that shy, lost little girl anymore that I was when the men of the Gazette met me. And I loved it.

Aoi's pov.
He was right. I was such an idiot. After Uruha's speech I remembered the night before she disappeared from our lives. I finally understood. But like always, I realized it to late. But still everything came back. How I felt about her, the memories, and the heart breaking pain after hearing she had left without saying a word to anyone. I had spend a year making sure I would never feel those kind of feelings again. But here I was. Speed walking through the streets of this city. Desperately trying to find the woman I fell in love with. I looked everywhere I could think of and in the last spot I saw two figures, to silhouettes sitting there. A male and a female. When I walked closer I could hear their conversation....

Ayame's pov.
"Look Uruha I get it. He's your best friend. Your band member and like family. So I know it's a big deal that you're mad at him over this. But stop it. The fact that I'm nothing more than a little entertainment to him now doesn't mean you need to run off and support a girl you've known for a year. He hurt me, but he needs his family by his side. Whether I want  to admit it or not, he doesn't deserve losing you because of a relationship gone wrong."

Aoi's pov.
Those words. Her voice. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. This was the moment. The moment I had to make a choice.

Fight or flight.

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