Chapter 1:

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I lean down as I usually do except this time it wasn't the same. This time I leaned down and jumped off of the blue bridge. My insides were aching, as my body uncontrollably trembled. I am going to die, a smile crosses my face as I take my last breath. Goodbye world, goodbye home.

"Suicide? why would she do that? Someone had to push her off." I hear women say. I quickly sit up as I realize that woman is my mom. "Oh you are awake, how are you feeling?" She says. "I'm fine," I say, but I'm not, I'm exactly the opposite. I was supposed to die. I wanted to.

I look at myself, no bruises, no injuries, no scars, I look normal, I feel fine, except for the small aching headache I have.

"Mom, I need to tell you something," I say. "What is it?"

I pause as my hands tremble, scared of what her response will be. "I jumped," I say almost as a whisper. The doctor looks up at me as if she already knew, and looks away as she writes something on her clipboard.

My mom is sitting in a blue chair that matches the room, with her hands on her head, and she has that look on her face that means she is disappointed. I just want to slap that look off her face, I gave her many signs, she just didn't notice, I guess she didn't care.

A strong deadly urge starts rising in my stomach. The lights start to flicker on and off in the room like a horror movie, as my hands are clenched tightly together in fists.

"Boom," the lights shut off completely, the room sinks into this big black dark hole.

"What's going on?" I hear my mother yell. "I'll get flashlights," says the doctor. I can hear the worry in my mom's voice, the concern in her eyes is all too much. I get up and I run. I can hear the screams of my mom as the doctor comes back with the flashlights as I'm gone, but I keep running.

I find a dark long hall appear on the right side of me and I run through it. "Flick, flick." The sound of the lights gets louder and louder as I keep running. I see a tall doctor come out in front of me. He looks like one of those creepy doctors in a horror movie that does tests on little kids, and I'm 16 so in my case, this isn't good.

"It's alright," the doctor says with a grin. I quickly turn around and there's another doctor, this time it's a girl. "Come here," "Calm down," "it's okay," the words keep spinning in my head getting louder and louder.

"Stop!," I yell with my hands still clenched tightly together. A Burts of light surrounds the room consuming everyone but me. "Huh," I gasp as I see the light running through my veins, I just turn around and run.

I find myself in the woods, which is the last place I'd like to be, but where else do you go when you realize you have a superpower? Where else do you go when you realize you're a freak?

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