Chapter 8:

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He pushes his soft, fragile, wet lips onto mine. Pushing my body closer to his hungrily, as the kisses get more intense. I can feel his soft, tough hands hold me tighter. My stomach bursts into fireworks. A tinkling sensation flutters up my stomach to my heart. My heart beating intensely, as our bodies touch.

"Wow?" I hear a girl say watching him intensely. Jackson turns around with a grin. "Came to enjoy the show," he says sarcastically. The girl lets out a small laugh and sighs. "I think we both know I'm usually the show Jackson." The girl said as she looked at me. "I'm Joy, and you are?" She says making direct eye contact. "I'm Neveah," I say. Joy looks at me, then Jackson, then back at me. "Oh, I've heard about you. Neveah Wilson... Right?" She says. "Yeah, um- that's me," I say. "Joy is my friend, though she wishes we were more." He says letting out a laugh and a small smirk, glancing at Joy. Although I have this feeling that he wasn't kidding.

"We once were more. But it's okay we've had our fun. I'll let you mess around with this new girl until your done with her, and running back to me again." She says.

My mouth admitetly fell shut, quiet, and speechless. Joy stared directly in my direction, with a smirk I could just wipe off her face. Our eyes locked together like we were about to have a childish fight. A childish fight that I would when. I clench my fist feeling the tension build in my body, as Joy talks and talks running her mouth about the special times she has with Jackson.

Before I know it I feel the burning sensation of my veins turning blue.

"Holy shit," Joy says, her smirk fading away quickly.

"Just had to run your mouth?" Jackson says starting straight at Joy. For once I can see his anger, but even now he still looks stunning, admiring, and sexy.

Jackson turns to me and turns my chin to his face. My eyes searched his, finding peace, and calmness. The waves swished around me perfectly, calmly, and quietly. Joy's sitting on the edge of the pool watching us intensely.

My hands unclench, letting my muscles relax. "Breath, everything okay," Jackson says. I take a deep breath and stand still, "no nothing-," I pause knowing this might come out unnecessary, or too dramatic.

"Nothing is okay, what you saw isn't normal. IM NOT NORMAL-," I say as I turn around and walk out of the pool, the water following my every move. I reach Joy and turn to face her, hating every aspect of her. Her long brown hair cupping her face perfectly, her dark black eyes, probably as black as her personality. Her long legs hang from the corner of the pool, as she moves her hair out of her face.

"Can I help you?" She says letting out a small chuckle. "Is that necessary?" Jackson says to Joy. "Stop being a dick," Jackson adds.

"No it's fine," I say. " I get it, she is one of those girls who thinks she has everything and owns everyone. She's one of those girls who's breaking on the inside, but acts like a bitch on the outside." I swallow over the lump in my throat. "News flash, Life's not like that. Karma will but you in the ass." I add.

Joy and Jackson just look at me, speechless. I grab my towel and walk away. Before I leave a strong urge overtakes my body.

My hands clench into fists once again, this time harder, piercing through a layer of skin. My hand flows back, as I then turn around to find Joy falling into the water. Soaked.

"I- 'm," I sit quietly for a moment as Joy finds her balance. But then I realize that I shouldn't apologize, she was being rude. She deserved that. "Fuck off," I say with my finger sticking up at her. I turn around and walk out, leaving them together.

This is why I don't want to have a boyfriend, or friends, or a family. I can't be there for them, I ruin everything. I'm tuff on myself and those around me. I hate every inch of this fucking world.

I decided to go home, and relax. As I open the door my grandma sits at the kitchen table. I find it a little weird how she's always there, but then again we're a weird family.

"What's wrong dear?" She says. "Nothing's wrong, it's just been a busy day," I say stubbornly, as I walk off to my room.

I quickly change into comfy clothes, grab a book off my desk and jump onto my bed. My covers gently wrapped around me as I open the book and dive in. "Vampires," it reads.

Vampires are usually pale or whitish looking. They can also look like normal human beings. Vampires are fast, controlling, and manipulative. Vampires always want something from you, never trust a vampire with anything. Vampires are-

By the time I got to the end of the chapter, I'd drifted off. My eyes closed, with the book opened beside me, while I'm huddled in my blanket.

The night sky has fallen, darker than usual. The stars shine bright, and a soft breeze is hitting the trees making them move softly.

Sometimes I feel like the trees. I'm getting moved by something I can't stop, or I'm not moving at all, and I'm stuck in the same place.

I don't know why I'm here, I don't know how I survived jumping off a bridge. But I wish I'd died, I wish I was gone....but a small part of me tells me to stay, stay and fight. But what am I fighting for?

I've lost everything.

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