Chapter 4:

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I turn around to walk out the door, but it's too late. A figure grabs my arm and swings me around. "Um hey, welcome to the party." He says with a gentle smile. "I um-" it takes me a minute to look at him. That was until I meant his eyes. He's tall and pale. His eyes are bright blue, and his hair is back. Black and messy, but in a cute way. My eyes fade to his clothes, he's wearing a black flannel with nothing under it, paired with black jeans. But something was off, he wasn't glowing like the others. Before I could think the words flew out of my mouth. "Your not a ghost," I say shockingly. He grins "and neither are you, so why are you here?" He says.

My face goes blank, I have no words. I don't know what I am. "Wanna dance?" I say regretting it admiditly. But I'd rather dance than answer his question. "Um,-" he pauses and smiles once again. "Sure, let's see what you got." He says. Great now I'm in a dance competition. My mind immediately changes as a slow song comes on, I can see from his reaction that he does too. "May I have this dance?" He says bending over like some kind of prince with his hand held out. I wait there for a second, thinking. "I promise I don't bite," he says. "Fine," I say back, after all, it's been a long day. I should at least do something fun right?

As our hands collide, his arms wrap around my waist while mine goes on his shoulders. He quickly pulls me closer, so quickly that it didn't seem real. Our faces are just an inch away. "So what brings you here? Like do you have ghost friends or something?" He says. "No, I just, ended up here. How can you see them?" I say. "I just can." He says. "I don't know" he adds. "Oh, that makes two of us," I say with a slight smile.

He pushes me a tad bit closer, not that there's much closer we can be. Our faces are practically touching each other. I can smell his breath, as I'm sure he can smell mine. Our eyes are locked together, as our bodies move to the song that's almost coming to an end. There's something about him that makes me feel safe, comfortable, yet dangerous. Without unlocking eyes he leans in and-

"Hey, dude, who's this chic?" A guy says. He admiditly let's go of me, I just stand there confused. He looks at me like nothing happened or was about to happen between us, which makes things even more awkward. "She's just a friend of mine, who is about to leave." He says. "Right," I say. I glance up at him one more time. What he said was kind of a dick move. I give him a look without even knowing it. Not a friendly goodbye look, and I'm pissed at your look. "Bye, and um nice to meet you," I say to both of them.

"Wait," the guy I was dancing with says. "I never got your name." I quickly look back, then look away and start walking. "And I never got yours."

By the time he could have said anything else, the door shut behind me. The two girls that were once out here are no longer here anymore. I look at the silver watch on my wrist, it was my grandma's. "12: 35 pm," it reads. Wow, I've spent like all day in there. Everything around me seems different, It's like I'm lost. But more lost than usual.

The only thing I feel like doing is going home, to my grandma's house. So I do, except I go in the back and climb through my window so I can avoid her.

By the time I'm there I don't even remember how I got to my bed, that's how fast I drifted off. The last thing I remember thinking is how I almost kissed a guy I shouldn't have. I mean I don't even know his name, it would have been wrong for me too..... right?

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