Chapter 12:

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"Are you okay?" he says changing his expression to a soft worried look. It bothers me how he can just change his expression that fast. How can you be happy one moment and sad the next? I didn't think guys had periods, but sometimes it seems that way.

"I don't know, do I look okay?" I say with anger. A smile peeked from his lips, did he find this funny? He bent down and started to untie me. "You know, I kinda like you all tied up and helpless, it's kinda sexy." He smirks, looking into my eyes.

Great im glad he finds me being kidnapped, tortured, and drugged sexy. What a dick, I don't like this side of him.

I quickly get up as he finished untying me. He grabs my waist to help steady me. "I don't need your help!." I yell. "Well, you're getting it anyway." He argues back. "Why do you-"

"Shhhh," He says putting his hand over my mouth gently. My lips tingled at his touch, I hate that he makes me feel like this. Even when im being kidnapped, he somehow makes me still like him. I guess I like that he cares, no one ever really cared about me before.

"He should have come out by now. Where are they?" A man says outside the door. I look back to the body on the floor, the blood and guts. It's like one of the scenes out of a horror movie and I hate it. "Open up," We hear a second man say.

Jacksons gives me a quick look, telling me to be quiet as he slowly moves his hand from my mouth.

I try to calm myself down, so my powers go away but it doesn't work. I watch as Jackson goes to the door, swinging it open without warning. "Fire-," One of the men says as he comes into the room, but  Jackson quickly makes his move and kills him without hesitation.

Part of me hates seeing him like this, but part of me craves for more. His eyes darken, and a grin crosses his face as he turns to face me. "Pretty cool right?" He smirks. Yeah sure, it is cool that you can kill someone in seconds before they even touch you. I roll my eyes, "Sure." He looks at me with hesitation, like he wants to say something but can't find the words to say it.

I watch as three guys quickly approach him from behind, with guns. "Jackosn watch out," I say watching them grab him, trying to hold him down. I freeze not knowing what to do. "Duck," I yell as he quickly does what I say, but it's too late.

"One move and ill kill him," Another man says, he has strong muscles but he's smaller than the other two guys next to him. He has a gun held to his to Jacksons' head. "Back away, and we will let you leave. But were taking him." One of the other men says, pointing a gun at me.

"Let them take me, this is my problem. Not yours," Jackson says making eye contact with me. "Shut up," One of the men says hitting Jackson in the chin with his knee, making him bleed. "Technically you brought me into it, so it's my problem as well," I say, letting my powers take control, firing some kind of light out of them. "LET HIM GO!." I yell, the men stand there shaking.

"Her eyes, they're gold." One of the men says looking at me with his eyes wide. I quickly notice that im lighting up like a light bulb, but I don't care. The thing is I have nothing to lose, no family, no friends. I have nothing left, which is the difference between me and these men. I will gladly fight, even if it means I will die in the end.

I quickly move my arm straight up, facing my hand toward the three men. "I said let him go." I can feel my anger building up. I hate when people don't listen to me, I hate how no one takes me seriously.

Before I have a chance to overthink this or change my mind, a blinding light shoots from my hands. "No!," Jackson yells, but it's too late the three men have disintegrated into black dust. All at once, I feel my powers drop, leaving me feeling empty, worn out, and powerless.

I run to Jackson giving him a hand, trying to help him get up. I have no idea how I did that, but I had to. It was the only way I could defend myself, it was the only way I could save him.

"Are you okay?" I say hoping I didn't hurt him. "Im fine," He says looking at me surprised. "Are you?" He adds, staring into my eyes. "I think so, Im not hurt, so yeah." He nods his head, grabbing my hand and intertwining it with his.

I can feel a shiver go through my body, leaving my heart pounding.

He pulls my hand yanking me. I quickly speed up to catch up with him. I feel his grip tighten as a car pulls up in front of us. "Get in," A girl says, but I've heard this voice before. My eyes widen as I realize it's Joy.

"It's okay," he says quickly glancing at me before he lets go of my hand and opens the door for me. I jump in ignoring the fact that Joy is the one rescuing us in a getaway car. He walks to the door on the other side of me and jumps in.

It takes me a moment to realize another guy is sitting in the front with Joy. He has black hair, and he looks muscular. As he turns around to look at me, I look into his eyes, they are neon yellow. To be fair, it's not the weirdest thing I've seen all day. Im a freaken glow stick, so fair enough. "Who's this chick?" The guy turns to face Jackson. Has he never mentioned me?

"Lucifer, this is Neveah." Jackson quickly turns to face me. "Neveah, this is Lucifer." I could tell that he knew I was confused. "Lucifer is my brother." He adds. I could feel my stomach twisting and turning in confusion. I never knew he had a brother, why didn't he ever tell me.

It doesn't hit me until now that I don't know that much about Jackson.

"Oh, so she's the famous Neveah you never stop talking about!." Lucifer says excitedly. "Shut up," Jackson says, I could see his cheeks grow red for a few seconds. Did I make him feel something? I never thought that I could make someone blush, nonetheless make someone like me.

I can't help but let a smile cross my face, but knowing that im still pissed at him I try to hold it back.

"Nice to meet you," I say moving my eyes to Lucifer. "My pleasure," He says. Finally, someone who is not a dick. I was starting to think he only hung out with rude people. I let a smile cross my face at his comment, it is nice to get some respect once in a while.

I notice that he's wearing a black leather jacket with no shirt under it, revealing his abs. He looked a few years older than Jackson.

"So where did you two meet?" Lucifer asks, breaking the ice. "This story is funny," Jackson pitches in looking at me. Great now I had to set of eyes on me, waiting for an answer. "We meet at a ghost party," I say, leaving out all the details. "Wait, you can see ghosts too?" Lucifer asks. "Yeah she can," Jackson says.

"Damn, that's pretty cool. I thought we were the only species that could see them." Lucifer says. "But your something special, im guessing." He adds. All this attention on me is overwhelming, I could feel myself blushing a little bit and I hated it.

"Yeah she is, now stop asking her a bunch of questions," Jackson says, interrupting the conversation. I could tell he was getting jealous.

Lucifer looks at me one last time, almost as if he was admiring me. Then he quickly turned himself around.

"We're almost there, according to the GPS we have five miles left." Joy says. Apart of me wanted to say no one asked, but I didn't have the energy to be rude. Before I could ask where we were going I quickly doze off, without meaning to.


I feel a muscular hand touch my arm. I wake up to see Jackson, waking me up. "We're here." He says in a serious tone.

We're exactly is here? Is the only thing that crosses my mind as he helps me down, his hands holding onto my waist tightly, bringing me to the ground.

Great, I sigh. We're in the middle of fucking no where.

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