Chapter 9:

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   Thursday- 2022, April, 1st.

  I wake up to the sound of rain, thunder, and darkness. I roll over and hit my clock, "5: 47," it reads.

  I hate waking up early because, for people like me, that means I won't be able to sleep for the rest of the night. I slowly get up, forcing myself into the shower.

"Ding," my phone goes off beside my bed. I ignore it.

I find myself singing to Taylor swift. Not on purpose, it's just what came to my head. I quickly hop out of the shower and into some clothes. I put on a black crop top and ripped jeans. I comb my long purple hair and let it flow down.

While I'm looking in the mirror I put peach lip gloss on, and mascara. Not that it will make me look better, I know that's impossible.

I have a small roll in my stomach, at my belly. I have a piercing there but it doesn't do anything for me. I hate the way I look.

After I'm finally finished I pop on my shoes and head towards my desk, grabbing my phone.

The text is from Jackson,

Hey, wanna hang out? We could get coffee and hang out.

It says, before thinking anything much I quickly respond.

I'm busy, maybe later?

I say although I'm not busy.

Yeah, I'll call you later.

He says, I turn off my phone and head to the kitchen. "Are you gonna eat dear? I made cookies, and hot chocolate." My grandma says politely. A smile crosses my face as I grab a chocolate chip cookie and shove it in my mouth. "Do you ever leave the kitchen?" I say letting out a small laugh.

She smiles and lets out a small sigh. "I have everything here I need. I love to cook as well, so that's why I'm usually here in the mornings." She says. I nod my head in confirmation, "hope your day goes okay." I say. "Yours as well." She says.

I walk out the door and head to the graveyard. As the rain bounces off of my hair, I walk to my father's grave. The thunder has gone away, but the rain is still heavy.

I kneel where he lays, I grab a flower out of the ground and stick it above the stone. My dad wasn't that great, but he was my dad.

30- minutes later

I finish up talking to him about everything that has happened when my phone rings.

"Hello?," I say. "Hey, so are you busy now?" I admiditly know that it's Jackson from his voice. "No, I'm not," I say. "So wanna go get a bite to eat or something?" He says. "Yeah, sounds good," I say, trying to not sound too desperate. "See you soon," he says. I quickly hang up and start walking.


I open the door to the cafe. The smell of coffee, hot chocolate, and sweets fill the air. I go ahead and find a seat, waiting for Jackson to show up. He said he will be here in 5 minutes, so he should be here soon.

A lady approaches me with a slight smile and a notepad. Her eyes are a little baggy, but she still looks decent nonetheless. I would personally hate working here, it's usually always busy and the people can be rude. But it's a nice hangout spot, especially on the weekends.

"Are you ready to order?" She says nicely. "No, not yet. I'm waiting for someone." I tell her. Though that person is late. She nods, "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes to ask again." She says. "Okay," I say politely, hoping that Jackson will show up soon.

I grab my phone out to distract myself. He's 35 minutes late now.

I decide to get up, ready to leave. At that moment a tall guy pops through the door, hurrying over to me.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I got distracted and then there was traffic." He shows me a bouquet of roses. "I also stopped to get you flowers.....I'm sorry I'm late." He says.

I sigh, thinking this over. Should I forgive him? I mean he did get me flowers. "Your lucky I didn't leave already," I say grabbing the flowers out of his hands. As I smell the flowers my eyes meet his, "Thanks for the flowers." I add. He smiles, "your welcome."

We sit down at a corner table, next to a window. The sun shining in, but only a little bit. The rain pours down, but not as bad as it was earlier. It's lightly raining now, and the clouds are out. The sun reflects on his eyes, making them shine even more.

"So, what have you been up to?" He asks with a smile. "Nothing much, I was mostly at home. What about you?" I say. "I've been busy with work, but other than that I've been hanging out with my friends." He says.

"Where do you work?" I say. "I work for my Uncle. We have our own business." He says as the lady from earlier approaches us.

"Are you guys ready to order?" She says calmly, her eyes searching Jackson for an expression.

Jackson looks over at me with a smile, I nod in confirmation. "Yeah, we're ready," he says. The lady flips her notepad page and gets her pen ready. "I'd like blueberry French toast and eggs on the side." He says. The lady glanced over at me. "I'll just take pancakes and sausage, with a side of fries," I say, hoping it doesn't sound like I eat a lot.

"Okay," she pauses and finishes writing our stuff down. "What would you like to drink?" She says.

"I'll take the special," Jackson says with a slight smile. The woman jots that down and turns to me once again. "And you?" She says. "Coca-cola is fine," I say. The woman quickly finishes writing everything and turns around and leaves.

"Have you been here before?" He asks me with his eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I was here a while ago with my mom," I say, trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. I haven't seen my mom ever since I was in the hospital. "Oh, sorry." He says. I take a deep breath, "for what?" I say.

"I'm not sure, you just seemed upset about the subject." He says as he puts his hand on mine. "If you ever wanna talk I'm here. Okay?" He adds. "Okay," I say smiling to make things less awkward.

The lady comes back with a few trays and our drinks. "Hope you enjoy it." She says with a big smile as she lays our food down in front of us. "Thanks," we both say as she walks away.

"Damn, I  haven't had this for a while. I forgot how good it was." He says before shoving another piece of French toast and eggs into his mouth. I let out a small laugh, "yeah, I can tell you like it." He finishes eating the piece he was chewing. "What is that supposed to mean?" He says kicking his foot at mine under the table and laughing. "Nothing," I say bursting out laughing. Knowing that other people are probably looking at me I try to stop laughing, but can't.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry. I'm not used to going on dates. I'll try to use my manners more." He says letting out a laugh. "No-, it's," I say through my laughs. "It's fine," I say pulling myself together. He looks at me with a huge smile, "Your laugh is beyond adorable." He says. "It's so contagious though." He adds, making direct eye contact with my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, it's like swimming into deep waves but not wanting to come back up. There like shining stars in the night sky, there are just there. So fragile, but amazing. He's amazing.

Shit, I like him. I like Jackson. I feel myself blushing at this thought. I quickly push a piece of hair behind my ear, not meaning to on purpose.

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