Chapter 2

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Friday, Feb 14th, 6:35 PM

The driver helps Liz put her suitcases on the front steps. She rings the doorbell. Sees there's a camera, but it's completely dark. Continues to wait. Rings doorbell one more time. Looks at phone to see if there's any new information from Jimmy. Nothing.

6:45 PM

Someone finally opens the door. A young man with lavender hair glares at her. "What do you want?"

"I was invited by Senator Sakamaki to temporarily stay here? Do I have the wrong house?"

"Senator..." the young man says quietly to himself, trying to remember why the title sounds foreign. He pieces it together, eyes go wide, and slams the door in her face. It's so forceful that Liz can feel the house shake (and everyone else does too). Not what I expected.

A few more minutes of waiting awkwardly, and the door opens to someone completely different. Pale skin, dark green eyes, and copper hair that reaches to the bottom of his neck. "So, this is where that enticing scent is coming from." He looks her up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Can I come in? It's rather cold," Liz asks.

"Ore-sama saw her first!" Another man pulls her inside the foyer out of nowhere. He too has red hair, green eyes and pale skin. He holds her in his arms and inhales deeply. Liz is still recovering from being pulled inside so suddenly. He places one hand on the bottom of her skull to keep her in place. The other red head steps behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders. She's sandwiched between the two strangers. Both men are uncomfortably close. WTF?!

"What's all this commotion?" A much taller man enters the foyer, stopping the two brothers from going any further. Oh, thank God.

"Tsk, not you Reiji," says the red head with short hair.

"Kanato says this woman is a guest of our father's. Do either of you know what's going on?"

"This is news to me."

"Not a clue," says the one behind her.

"Then release her at once. Good grief, neither of you took her coat?" This man has plum colored hair and glasses. The two red heads step away from Liz as the older one takes her coat.

"Thank you," she says.

"You're welcome." He hands the coat and scarf to a butler who appears out of thin air. Liz does a double take. "Now follow me." WTF? Where did that butler come from? Did that just happen?

Liz follows the tall man down a hallway and enters a luxurious living room. It's exactly like those living rooms you see in home magazines. He gestures her to sit on one of two couches parallel of each other. "The others should be arriving soon."

The man who slammed the door in her face earlier walks briskly through an open doorway. He takes a seat on one of the velvet arm chairs. The brother with longish hair sits beside her, a little too close for comfort. The other red head sits on the couch across from her. He hasn't taken his eyes off her once.

There are more couches and armchairs in the living room. A handsome blonde man appears on one of them already lying down. Seriously, WTF, are these guys magicians or something? He has  Apple air pods in his ears. Another young man with white hair appears at the top of the stairs. He scans the room. His eyes land on Liz, and stares at her for a minute or two. Still glaring, he descends towards his half-brothers. He too plops down on one of the armchairs, clearly irritated.

"Now that everyone's here, why don't we introduce ourselves? What is your name?" asks the man with glasses. He's still standing.

"Liz Peretti," she answers.

Eve, and her Adamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें