Chapter 9

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"Hold still!" Kanato barks at Liz holding the liquid eyeliner pen. He didn't want to go clubbing with his brothers but decided to contribute in some way by doing her makeup. "Irksome woman. Now close your eyes." She does as he says, and smirks. "Good doll." As he continues his work, she reflects on what she's learned over the past two weeks.

According to them, my blood is quite flavorful compared to other humans. I've asked a few of the brothers what I taste and smell like. It varies from brother to brother, but the main theme appears to be a sweetness like a rich dessert.

I've learned the hard way that I have to change my personality to accommodate four out of the six brothers. And to be honest, it's exhausting.

Looking at Kanato now, I'm reminded of the hysterical fit he had accusing me of daydreaming about his brothers on my first night with him. I was only looking at the photographs on his walls and tried explaining to him that I was admiring his art, when he stabbed me with a fork. It really fucking hurt. From now on, I have to constantly reassure him that my full attention is on him. His favorite nickname for me is "Doll," or "Doll-Chan."

Ayato is a narcissist. I can't stand his behavior. I feel like I'm rolling my eyes all the time at him. He's constantly praising himself, and refers to himself in the third person. Who the fuck calls themselves "Yours truly"? In order for him to not hurt me as much, I have to praise him on almost everything. He's ridiculous and a close second to the President. He calls me "Mangoes" or "Coconut."

Laito's a pervert through and through. He's one of those slimy people constantly playing mind games and hard to read. He calls me "Little Bitch," and I hate that nickname.

Reiji is what you'd call an old fashioned gentleman but expects way too much from me. He's deeply controlling and uptight. Last Saturday (my day off) I realized he's stalking me through my phone. I figured it out when he answered a question I had only sent to Laito. Everything I do on my phone he can see in real time. He's like Joe from that Netflix show, "You."

Social media is all but non-existent, and all of my personal photos, videos, and music are gone! I'm really pissed off at him right now. He's getting the silent treatment. At least he doesn't call me any demeaning nicknames.

Shu and Subaru don't care what I do as long as I stay with them at all times. Subaru gets jealous easily and takes his frustration out on the the walls or the trees in the back yard. Scares the bejeezus out of me every time he does something violent. Shu sleeps all the time.

I'm trying to think of any positives to my new living situation. All of them are handsome in their own way. The sex is good too. I've slept with all of them, except Reiji. And all of them manhandle me in some way, which I don;'t like. They constantly leave painful bruises, hickies and love bites all over my skin.

If you asked me how I'm feeling about all of this... I'm not sure I'd be able to come up with an answer.

"Doll, look to the left a little bit," Kanato instructs, and she does as he says. "Now right," he hums to himself after she turns her head. "Now forward." Liz looks straight into his purple eyes behind thick rimmed glasses. He smiles, and it's a genuine smile versus the creepy one. "You look lovely, my Doll. The last bit is setting spray, then we're all done." He sprays her face lightly and she looks in the vanity mirror and gasps.

"Kanato, this is beautiful," she compliments him and is truly astounded.

"Of course my skills are excellent," he says to her in the mirror. He's standing behind her chair at the vanity. He fluffs her hair a little then kisses the top of her head. "You owe me Monday," his tone has gone from pleasant to serious in a matter of seconds. This unnerves Liz. He vanishes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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