Chapter 3

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Liz POV: 

"Oi! Come with me." As quickly as he appeared, the white haired vampire grabbed my wrist and was dragging me across the back yard. He was walking briskly and I had a hard time keeping up with him.

The next thing I know we're in a pool house. He tossed me onto one of couches. I landed with a thud as bright lights came on overhead. My upper body is jerked into a sitting position and my brain can't keep up with his fast movements. His large hands grip my wrists. To trap me even further, his left knee is in between my thighs and he's hovering over me. I can see now that his eyes are red - like, ruby red. I'd never seen anything like it before, except maybe in movies. It was unnatural.

My chest feels like there's a cinder block crushing it. I can't take in a full breath of oxygen yet and my upper body is still shaking. What brings me back to reality is a cold blast of wind.

It wasn't the wind, but the vampire leaned in closer. So close that our noses almost touched. He continued looking at me with those menacing eyes. I had never felt so scared in my entire life.

"Now you listen, and you listen good. You are nothing but a means to an end for that Bastard's experiments. His former wives, my mother, were nothing but chess pieces in his game. Now it's your turn. So brace yourself."

"For what?"

"For Hell."

He moved my blonde hair away from my neck and his mouth attacked my skin with small bights, and sucking. I wasn't expecting that. His tongue slid from the bottom on my neck to my jaw line. God, it was hot. I immediately became aroused. The tingling sensation in my loins lasted about 5 seconds, and his fangs broke through the skin.

Pain. Nothing but pure, unadulterated pain. I could physically feel my blood being sucked out my body and into his mouth like a vacuum. A couple more gulps and he stopped suddenly to catch his breath. "My God, you taste amazing." His mouth clamped on the same spot again with fury. As he continued to drink, a burning sensation spread over my neck, face, and shoulders. It was excruciatingly painful. The last time I felt this much pain was my appendicitis.

I was in a daze as he drank from me, but reality slapped me in the face. Adrenaline spiked, and I wanted him to stop. But there was no stopping this vampire from getting a fresh meal. Despite the pain, I tugged on his shirt collar. Subaru detached with an inhale, then looked down at me on a shaky exhale. Blood was leaking from the wound. He removed my hand that was on his shirt, leaned in, and started licking the blood. His tongue slid over the wound and stung. He felt like an ice pack on my overheated skin. It was comforting, and by some miracle, I was able to breathe again.

He sensed this and began nuzzling my cheek. His fingers thread through my scalp as he took in my scent. My eyelids felt heavy. Sighing, I said absentmindedly, "Well fuck, I guess vampires really do exist."


Subaru POV: 

I chuckled. "Like I said before, 'brace yourself.'" The woman's head fell back as she lost consciousness. I wanted to savor every last drop of her exquisite blood. Her throat was fully exposed and radiating heat. That's when I heard the Basketball making his way towards us.

"Dammit Subaru! Yours truly was supposed to be her first everything!"

I rolled my eyes. Feeling mean I said with a smirk over my shoulder, "What's that human phrase? 'Early bird gets the worm.'"

"Who are you calling a worm!!?"

"Tch, doesn't matter. Just take her inside."

Ayato picked up the woman bridal style and began walking back to the mansion. When he sensed that I wasn't following, he stopped and yelled back, "Oi, you comin' or what?"

"Gimme a minute!" He huffed and kept walking.

I had to calm down. I could still feel the warmth of her blood on my tongue and that beautiful scent. I breathed in the cold air to try and get this erection to go away. This was humiliating. I've never become aroused after drinking blood. Things like that only happened to the pervert!

I could feel my own cheeks becoming hot. The tent in my jeans wasn't going down, so I decided to walk towards the lake. This was certainly a night of firsts. Rarely do I get to feast on the brides before my older brothers. This one tasted so much better than any other mortal women. What was this woman's name again? Liz, Liza something? This new "Eve" tasted far better than her.

I made it to my lawn chair. In my personal opinion, this was the best place to see the moon on the entire property. Now back to my problem. I thought about unbuckling my pants to relieve some pressure, but I knew Laito would be watching. Voyeuristic pervert. Fuck!

The worst part though, was the threat of him marrying again. A human female no less. I will kill him first before letting that bastard walk down the aisle. I leaned my head back and looked up at the stars. God it was peaceful.

I looked down and saw the erection was gone. I suppose thinking of that Bastard will do that to you. My phone vibrated as a text from Reiji came in saying they might've figured out a sleeping arrangement for the woman. Sighing and standing up, I walked towards the house. Halfway there, I spotted the now vacant pool house. It dawned on me that I wasn't thirsty anymore. Normally after feeding, I'd feel that burn in the back of my throat. But right now: nothing. This woman must be a demoness if she has this kind of effect on us vampires.

I walked in the back door and teleported to the living room with my half siblings. I spotted the woman lying on the couch as I made my way to an armchair behind it. Her head rested on Laito's lap, and at the other end was Kanato, slowly scratching her ankle with his nails. She was still unconscious. Laito was running his fingers gently through her blonde hair. Only now did I notice the ends of her hair were dyed pink.

"Awe, how cute, she has little white hairs," Laito announced happily.

"Ugh, doesn't that mean she's old?" complained Ayato.

"Not necessarily," Reiji said. "A majority of 21st century women start getting sporadic white hairs as early as 20-years-old. The most likely culprit is stress."

"Speaking of white hair..." Laito twisted his upper body to look at me behind the couch. "Subaru-kun, ~fufu, what does she taste like?"

I glared, "Pfft, like I'd tell you."

"Oh, baby bro, don't be like that," I hated when he used that fake teasing voice. "Is she a virgin?"


"Well, you know these American women, some have extreme religious views on marriage. Just like a certain —"

"NO! SHE'S NOT!" If Laito had said her name in front of Ayato, all hell would break loose. "Is that is what you wanted to hear, you sick freak?" I was done talking. Laito chuckled as he continued to play with her hair.

"How adorable," Kanato mused looking down at her ankles and moving her jeans away to reveal her skin. "She has a rose vine tattoo on both ankles. Red, white, and pink roses. She'll make an interesting subject for my collection. "

Eve, and her AdamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ