Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Saturday, February 15th, 2020


"When is she going to wake up? I'm starving."

"Who knows? That sleep bomb was pretty powerful."

"Fufu, this woman has amazing thighs. So velvety, and just the right amount of thickness to make the perfect head pillow," (inhales and exhales, with exaggeration). "Oh, the things I will do to these legs."

"Hey, if you're calling dibs on the thighs, then I call dibs on her boobs."

"It's not fair that Subaru got to her first."

"I'm surprised he even had the guts to do it."

INTERIOR: Laito's bedroom. More specifically, all four are on Laito's king bed.

"The Little Bitch is ours for now. I have an idea for waking her up," Laito positions himself on his knees in between Liz's thighs. He lifts her right leg straight up and runs his tongue slowly on the back of her knee. Liz is instantly startled awake. Her heartbeat is pounding from the adrenaline. She looks around trying to figure out where she is, but it's hard to tell because of the blackout curtains.

"Well, look who's awake," says Ayato. Liz immediately tries to sit up, but she's shoved down by four cold hands. She also realizes that she's wearing a silk lingerie slip that's white with black lace along the hem and bust area. Ayato is suddenly very close to her face. He teasingly blows cool air on her left ear, making her flinch. He moves her blonde hair away from her neck and inhales her scent. He opens his mouth and bites down hard on the jugular vein. Liz squeezes her eyes shut and grunts in pain. Tears leak from the corners of her eyes.

A cold hand caresses her cheek and wipes away the tears. Kanato says gently, "Open your eyes, Lizzie." She obeys and her head is guided to the right side. "Good girl. That terrified look on your face is quite adorable. Keep making that face for me, and only me, while I feed on you." He takes her wrist and bites down. Like Ayato, he sucks hard and gulps mouthfuls of blood. Liz can feel her heart drumming louder with each gulp.

Ayato releases her neck and moves down to her chest. Her pulls down the strap from her shoulder exposing her breast. Her face heats up from embarrassment. He takes her left breast into his mouth and sucks hard a few times, creating large hickies. Next his tongue swirls over her nipple, trying to get her to moan. His other hand kneads the right breast like dough. It's rough and not sexy at all. When she doesn't give him the desired reaction, he bites down hard just above the nipple. It's excruciatingly painful.

All the while Laito looks on with fascination. His familiars told him she looked like she was in pure ecstasy when Subaru had bit her. His brothers were being rather rough at the moment. Then again, he thought to himself, this is only day two of being our prey and play thing. He smirked and ran his large hands up and down her thighs. Her scent was a mix of a French red wine and dark chocolate. He puts his face close to her thigh and nuzzles it tenderly. He'd never smelled any woman like her before. She was unique. A sudden hunger overcame all of Laito's senses, and he bit down on her thigh, devouring her. It tasted so much better than it smelled and he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied. The feast continued for another hour.

Pain. Fucking pain. That's all Liz could think about. Despite the three cold vampires touching her, Liz felt overly warm. Each brother was drinking from the same area, but moving to different spots. Please pass out, please pass out, please pass out!! Liz tried to will her consciousness to faint, but it wasn't working. She wanted scream, escape, run; anything to make the pain stop. But all of her muscles felt heavy, and light at the same time. The final straw came from Kanato who decided to bite the very thin skin in between the thumb and pointer finger. Liz was relieved from the pain. For now.

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