Chapter 2- Revealed

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Echo sat in his cave thinking about Max and Shade.
'New friend...' he thought 'but we met a few seconds ago...'
"FUCK!" Echo yelled jumping up
Echo groaned and hit himself in the head a few times.
"Wait.." he said before sighing in relief "I won't see them again so why would it matter?"
A few seconds later he realized his hunting hours were over, so he decided to lay down and go to sleep.
It was morning and Echo convinced himself to hunt In the very morning before the humans wake up. "What could go wrong?.." he whispered to himself "I can always shock them too- NO! if you do that the humans will get angrier and worse!" He scolded himself, hitting his forehead.
"Just be quick.. yeah.. quick"

A few minutes of hunting, he found a deer. He killed it, and began to eat not even bothering to take it to his cave as he usually would. He then heard some leaves rustling (I think that's how it's called..?) and quickly looked around watching closely to make sure humans didn't find him. 'I should've taken it to the cave, better yet never came out' he silently growled to his stupidity. He then heard more rustling sound and found where the thing was. He stood up, growling and showing some threatening sparks, hoping he would scare it away but it kept getting louder and louder until it walked out of a bush. It was Max. 'Shit' he thought.
"Oh! Hello there Echo!" Max waved.
"Hey.." Echo waved back awkwardly.
"I'm glad I found you again! Ooo! Is that a deer? Can I have some? Shade's with me if you didn't know!"
"Yeah.. great!" Echo answered clenching his jaw shut.
Shade then popped out beside his little brother looking up and noticing Echo.
"Oh! Hello!" He said.
"Hey!" Echo said, sounding less awkward this time.
All three of them were sitting around the dead deer, Echo killed earlier. Max shot his head up and called for Echo's attention.
"Hey Echo?" Max called. "Yeah, what is it?" Echo answered. "Well, I'm just wondering, why are you yellow and not gray?" He asked.
"Oh uh... well.. you see.." Echo tried his best to make up an excuse, but he knew if he kept Max waiting he'll get a bit suspicious. 'Am I really gonna tell them?..' he thought to himself.
-sigh- "ok, I'll tell you. Just promise me you won't tell anyone. And I mean no one."
"Promise" They both said in unison.
Echo sighed once more, already regretting his choices. 'Too late now.'
Echo stood up and told the other two to follow him. Hesitantly, they followed after. The three soon reached a clear patch with no trees around. The two were told to stay a distance away from Echo, they both obeyed confused. Echo stood in the, what looked like the middle, of the patch thing (lol idk) and he closed his eyes sighed deeply, focusing on his paws and the clouds above them. Not even 5 seconds later, a lightning bolt appeared on each side from him. They both left as fast as they appeared. "Eeek!" Max yelped. Echo slowly opened his eyes and saw a little grass on fire, and the brothers sitting across from him with their eyes widened.
Echo chuckled, "god, I haven't done that in forever!" The brothers stood still, not knowing what to do or say. Echo walked over to them making sure he didn't surprise them to death. He sat in front of them moving his paw in front of their faces. "Hello..? Anyone there?" Shade was the one who spoke first.
"W-what was that..?" He asked. Echo started to burst out of laughter. Shade look at him with a 'well? You gonna answer or not?' Look on his face. "I'm sorry" Echo said, "it's just.. reactions."
"That was so cool!" Max exclaimed beside them. "But, that still didn't answer my question." "Well, I am the legendary 'Thunder wolf!' Echo said, waving his paw in the air as if there were labels coming after. "Or lightning wolf, or whatever the heck they call me." "No way." Max said soon realizing who Echo was. "I- that's- but-" he stuttered not knowing what to say.
"I thought they went extinct." Shade mumbled, mostly to himself. "EXTINCT!?" Max yelled. "YOU SAID THEY WERE A MYTH!"
"Oh come on, really? I only said that so you wouldn't bother me about it for like two years" Shade said looking down at his little brother before looking back up at Echo. "Well," Echo said "we were supposed to be extinct but I survived the hunters. Sadly they killed my friends though..." He look away from the other two, clearly upset. Shhsht. All three looked up and saw a bush ruffling before someone came out. A human. A hunter.

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