Chapter 5- Powered by humans

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"So, what type of power do you have?"
"Oh uh.. electricity!" Whiteout answered.
'Oh wow, I don't feel special anymore.' Echo thought.
"I've been practicing controlling it ever since I got it." Whiteout continued, showing little blue sparks coming from his paw.
"Cool! Echo has the same power!" Max exclaimed, leading the five to silence.
Shade glared at him while the other two looked dumbfounded.
'This is just FINE' Echo thought, regretting showing them his power.
"Wait. So you're telling me that he has a power.. without the humans helping..?" Koda asked.
Echo sighed, "yeah, it came out of no where. It was like... I was chosen! One second I was a normal wolf,  and the other I'm yellow with electricity powers and 4 friends who have powers as well and years later I'm all alo-" he cut himself off before completing his sentence. "I... said too much.." he looked down at his paws sadly. There was an uncomfortable silence after that.
"I- I think we should leave.." Koda said, grabbing whiteouts arm and dragging him along with him. "Sorry.."
"Echo..?" Max asked, concerned and afraid that he said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, and I should've thought before I said anything... will you forgive me?"
Echo chuckled, "of course I forgive you, it was an accident after all. I know you didn't mean to and you're just a pup, so you won't understand what to say and what not to."
Max gave Echo a small smile and Echo smiled back.
"Can't believe they just ditched us." Shade randomly complained, "I thought we were making new friends, but guess not."
"Yeah.. you're right! I should go and yell at them for leaving us!" Max joined.
"Calm down, they obviously felt awkward and wanted to leave." Echo explained
"Still rude" Max mumbled while Echo just rolled his eyes playfully.
'Maybe they are trustworthy,' Echo thought, looking back at his new friends, 'and I like to have them as friends. But are the other two trustworthy? Koda seems like he has mood swings and is a bit defensive for some reason.. oh who am I kidding, there's nothing wrong with defending yourself and the people you love! He just seems a bit.. sketchy.. Whiteout looks nice and mature, but what if he's acting? Would he do that?"
"Uh hello?? Earth to Echo!"
Echo left his thoughts, he didn't realize the two were talking to him.
"Oh sorry, did you say something?"
"Well I was asking you if you had any idea how the humans gave Whiteout powers, but I guess you don't wanna answer me." Shade said, looking away 'offended'.
Echo rolled his eyes chuckling and shrugged, "humans are strange creatures, they have the ability to make anything as long as they have the right things, some make good things but others make bad things. This is one of the bad things, if they gave animals powers, the world would get destroyed and everything would be out of control. Humans are scary.."
"Yeah.." Shade agreed
"I know I did not just give that huge explanation just for you to say 'yeah'." Echo said
Shade laughed, "it wasn't really an explanation, more like a.... Complaint? Rant? Idk."
"What's the difference?" Max asked.
The two larger wolves looked at each other before shrugging.

After a while, a human walked to the trio and put a weird metallic(?) rope like thing on their necks, except you could adjust how tight or loose it was. The human then tugged on them and started walking to a door. The three followed, noticing that the other wolves/dogs were being treated the same. They were sent back to their cages (which is actually pretty big, sorry I didn't mention that before lol) pretty roughly. Shade even got hit for growling at the human because of the way they were thrown in.
"Rude much?" Shade growled.
"Are you ok?" Max asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." Shade smiled.
They sat around their cage, speaking and playing together, doing what you can do in a cage (which isn't a lot). It wasn't long till they saw a familiar dog walking beside a human. It was Koda. He looked at the three and smiled, "I'm getting my power today!" He said excitedly before being tugged by the human. Koda followed the human, trotting beside them.
Echos' eyes widened, "oh no.." he whispered.
"That's bad, isn't it?" Max asked, concerned.
"Yes." Shade answered, "really bad."

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