Chapter 3- where?

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All three wolves stood shocked at the hunter until Echo ran as fast as he could. The other two joined him, trying to escape the hunter behind them. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck' was all Echo said in his head. "Where should we hide?" Shade asked. Echo looked at him in guilt. 'Hide? Where? In the bush? No. That's how Pearl died. Tree? No, we can't climb trees. Maybe in my cave? No, he'll know we're there. ARGH WHY DID I COME OUT!?' "I don't have any ideas.." Shade stared at him a bit sadly before looking forward. "I'll try to think of some places." He said.

The hunter was following after them, excited about finding the last rare wolf. Echo looked behind them, worried. 'What if he catches us? What would he do? What would he do to me?' Echo sped up a bit. Soon after, the other two did the same. The hunter has switched weapons. He wouldn't want to kill the last rare wolf. He shot. He missed. The wolves saw a tranquilizer bullet(?) Speed by them. 'Oh no.' Was all Echo thought 'I didn't think he would have a tranquilizer gun!" Panicked, Echo barked at the others to go left, hoping to lose the hunter. But he followed. They were loosing their breath. BANG!        Thud

Echo slowly opened his eyes. 'Where am I? What happened?' He sat up, looking around. He was in a cage. He soon found out he was inside a truck. "Good morning!" A familiar voice beside him exclaimed. He looked beside him just to see Max in a cage and Shade in another. "Why did he get you too? I thought he would've let you guys go." Echo asked. "Yeahh, about that.. we tried to fight back and the guy got mad and took us as well. Echo facepalmed himself. 'Idiots, why didn't they run when they had the chance?' He glanced back at them, only to find the both of them asleep. 'Well, it's nice to know they wouldn't leave me to die. At least they tried.' He sighed and rested his chin on his paws, closing his eyes. 'Wonder what will happen to us... wonder where we're going..' he thought to himself before dozing off. The three wolves slept the whole ride. Where were they going? And is anyone else there?..

Lol sorry for a short chapter, I'm hella tired xD

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