Chapter 10- Free

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"We should go" Echo said, "it's dangerous here."
"Yeah, good idea." Whiteout said, "let's hope we don't have anything to do with this place ever again."
Echo nodded and stood up. "C'mon Max, we need to go back."
'If we can even find my cave, or at least where Max lives.'
Max didn't respond, but nodded and got up to follow Echo.
Echo sighed, "well, it was nice to meet you guys."
"It was nice to meet you guys too" Whiteout responded.
"I'm sorry" Koda says, "for everything that happened.." he lowers his head.
"Why apologize?" Echo asks, "you didn't do anything wrong, the one apologizing should be the one who controlled you, and not just for the deaths.."
Koda doesn't respond. 'He still blames himself doesn't he? I feel bad for him, Max too. They're just pups.'
"Well, we gotta go, goodbye Koda, Whiteout."
"Bye Max and Echo" Whiteout says back.
Echo goes towards the forest, Max following close behind him. It was silent. Nothing came out of the two. All that was heard was the sound of nature. The rustles of the trees and bushes, the chirping of the birds, everything that was usually so quiet seemed so loud. Echo stops. Max stops shortly after, confused on why they've stopped. "Hey, Max." Echo says, turning around to the pup. "You wanna eat something? We haven't eaten since the humans gave us those weird little pebbles."
Max stays silent for a few seconds. "I mean- I-.. am pretty hungry, but I don't know how to hunt... Shade was supposed to teach me.. he said he would when we escape.." Echo noticed some tears in his eyes. "Hey, it's ok, I can get us something, maybe I can teach you? I don't wanna steal your brothers spot and I'm not the best teacher, but if you like I'll gladly try to." Echo says, smiling, hoping to give the pup at least the slightest of comfort. Max wipes away his tears, "it's ok, you're not taking his spot, Shade would've wanted you to take care of me." Echo smiles, "so is that a yes to food?" Max chuckles, "mhm, maybe you can catch deer again?" He says smiling at Echo. "Ok, I'll try." Echo responds, glad to see Max smile again. 'This is what Shade would've wanted...' He thinks, restating Max's words, 'I'm doing the right thing.. yeah..'
"Well then, let's call this step one of Echo's hunting class: finding the prey!" Echo says as he begins walking deeper in the forest. Max giggles, "ok!" He then goes by Echos side. They soon find the prey they were looking for, Echo trying his best to explain how to hunt while killing it. After they finish the deer, Echo finds a rabbit to be Max's prey.
"Ok, so try exactly how I told and showed you." Echo whispers to Max. Max nods, getting ready to pounce. "Ok, ready.. and.." Max was ready to jump immediately when the word 'go' was said. "Go!" Max attempts to grab the rabbit, but ends up on the ground instead while the rabbit quickly escapes into the bushes. "It got away.." Max sat up, looking at the spot where the rabbit disappeared into. Echo stepped out of the bush he was hiding in, "it's ok, you were pretty close... I did say that I wasn't the best teacher..." Echo says, smiling, "We can find another rabbit, or any other small animal."
"Im actually pretty tired, can we go find a home first?" Max asked. 'Oh shit. Home. Uhm, where's that???'  Echo looked around to find anything familiar, or at least a new place to stay at temporarily. "Uh- lets.. try finding a cave.. or something.." he says to Max. "Ok, I'll try to help." They start walking, hoping to find a place to sleep in. 'Can't believe I forgot about finding a home' Echo thought to himself, 'Dumbass. I was too caught up with teaching Max how to hunt.' He sighed and continued his hunt for a cave.

____——— ~A/N~———_____
Hi!!! I'm finally back lol. Sorry it took so long, I didn't think it would be so hard to make the next chapter 😅. This is kind of a short chapter cause I wanna make the book a bit long and it feels like it's getting closer to the end T^T. There will be more books after this one though, so it's not all that bad lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise to try and work more often! Thank you guys so much for reading! Goodbye!! Love youuuu!! <3

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