Chapter Twelve: Stubborn

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"How long do we wait?" Jimin asks after everyone wakes up and notices that no one came for them.

"They'll come eventually." On-jo reassures, moving away from the window. "We can't just go out there."

"We should go to the roof." Chin-sun mentions, thinking back to the conversation her and Cheong-san had yesterday. Both of which had woken up before anyone saw them cuddling. She didn't want to explain something she's unsure of to Nam-ra or the others. "We could make a sign up there and it would be easier for them to see us."

"Or we could make a sign here and find a phone to let them known we're here." On-jo counters. "We could write 'SOS' on a curtain." She looks to everyone, specifically Hyo-ryeong. "That way we won't have to risk going out and can stay in here."

"Yeah, let's do that." Hyo-ryeong agrees with a shudder at the thought of having to face more zombies.

"We can't last long, anyway." Nam-ra comments as a few people stretch from just waking up. "Three minutes without oxygen, three days without water, and three weeks without food."

"What's that?" Su-hyeok asks.

She looks up to him. "How long a person can survive."

"It's only been a day, you know. We have to try the best we can." On-jo pushes.

"We'll show signs of dehydration tomorrow." Nam-ra bluntly replies.

"What are you saying?" On-jo huffs.

"We don't know anything at all." Nam-ra sighs, looking just as defeated as the rest. "We need to know something before we can make plans."

"What do we need to know?" Jimin questions her, tired of just stating facts that diminish her hope.

"What prez means-" Su-hyeok begins,

"You don't know either." Jimin cuts him off.

"Are you saying we need to understand the situation in order to take action?" Cheong-san wonders aloud.

"Yes, that's right." She confirms with a nod of her head. "We need more information to decided whether we wait, run, or get out."

"What can we even find out about this situation?" Dae-su yawns. "Also, how?"

"We can check online with a cell phone." And before anyone can tell him that they don't have one, Cheong-su continues. "They have them in the teachers office.

He walks over to the window and jumps up. On-jo pushes past Chin-sun and up to him. "Cheong-san. Stop being so stubborn."

He turns back to her. "Two rooms across and one floor down at the teacher's office."

"You shouldn't go." She tells him, something Chin-sun finds herself agreeing with. It's alway Cheong-san who risks his life. She doesn't know who else should but definitely not him. He has done more than enough for the group.

"If I can't make it, I'll just come back, you know?" He explains which helps Chin-sun not be so worried but she knows that there is a high chance he will go either way. 

"Let me go." She steps up to him. "You've done enough."

"No way." He tells her without hesitating, not even considering.

She frowns and goes to say something else but he's already gone. Su-hyeok comes up behind both. "I'll go with him." He tells them and then is out the window.

Chin-sun huffs in frustration. These dumb boys thinking that they can just do everything themselves. She takes a deep breath. "I'll be back." She says to no one particularly and before anyone can stop her she follows.

They both turn and see her following behind. "No. Chin-sun go back inside." Cheong-san scolds like she is a child he needs to look out for. "It's too dangerous."

"I'm not going back." She tells him with a sense of finality in her tone. "I meant what I said last night. I look out for you too."

They both stare at each other like they are arguing but no words leave their lips. Su-hyeok glances back and forth before awkwardly coughing. "Am the middle of something?"

"No." She tells him and then nods her head. "Go. I'm right behind."

He sighs annoyed. "Stay close." He tells her before scooting further along.

He then leans down to look into the next classroom but shakes his head. He then leans down and moves across with his hands, Su-hyeok following, then Chin-sun. She is not very strong and barely manages as Su-hyeok holds her waist once she gets close enough to help steady her.

Once all three are there, they hear crying. Cheong-san bends down to look in the teacher's office, silently opening the window and stepping in. Su-hyeok goes in and then Chin-sun follows, Cheong-san moving aside and helping her down by grabbing her waist. 

He brings her down to the ground so they can hide behind the furniture. Then the three of them crawl towards the phones at the front of the room. They hear a smashing sound, Cheong-san glancing behind him to the others wondering if they hear the same thing. Both nod with confusion on their faces.

Once they are able to see they realize it's Eun-ji crushing all the phones and there are bite marks all over her. Cheong-san tells the other two to stay back while he moves forward to grab one of the phones on the ground. He goes unnoticed until it is in his hand.

She turns to look at him and screams, "I'm gonna kill you." She starts crawling towards him and gets on top. Chin-sun kicks her back off of him. She recovers easily, attacking once more as all three stand. Su-hyeok grabs her and throws her into the cabinet behind them. She drops to the ground and doesn't move luckily. They all three move, Chin-sun grabbing the phone from the floor but realizing that its broken.

"Shit." She curses, looking at the desk full of them. "Go and I'll be right behind." She runs forward to grab another one as a group of zombies come. Cheong-san sees one going to attack her and runs forward using his body weight to shove it aside.

He grabs her free hand and looks to Su-hyeok. "You go. We'll meet you there." He pulls her out after kicking another zombie aside.

Su-hyeok watches as the two run out of the room and wants to follow but he can't. Zombies close in on him to attack him, too many to fight and so he is forced to return to the room empty handed.

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