Chapter 4: Executive

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Dear Momma and Daddy,
I hope everything is going well stateside. I am writing to tell you that we are shipping off tomorrow, for the war. I am nervous, but I have gotten my cross back by bribing the censor. I still have the pictures you sent me of home. I still have the both of you, Gregory, Grandma, Teta, and Grandpa leaning on the truck. No matter how far I go, I will know that you are with me.
By the time you receive this, I will be sailing towards North Africa. I pray that we can win this, and I can get back to you as soon as possible.
Kisses and hugs from the East Coast.
Pfc. Marvin Jerez

I threw my tench coat on. Easing the spring and setting five fresh black-tipped rounds, followed by one in the chamber, before forcing the rounds and follower down and ridding the bolt over the top. Now I had six rounds, ready to go.
"Marvin." Travers met me while I set my rifle on safe.
"Alright. So here's the plan: me and Grace will head over to Jade Mountain, preform recon, and see what we can figure out. We'll play it by ear."
Travers shuffled uncomfortably.
"Here, Travers." I handed him my glasses. "I need you to stay and keep tabs from the outside. Don't fire unless your position is discovered."
"But- Marvin-"
I sighed. "I can't risk you Travers. You're an animus, and you just might tip the balance in our favor."
"Plus he can't chamoflage."
"And I can't have you wasting your soul on a camouflageing spell, Grace."
She just ruffled her wings, looking high and mighty.
"Here. Just, watch the sun. These binos may throw a glint if the sun hits them. So stay in the shadow, or enchant them to not cast a glare. Just... be smart. Don't do anything stupid until we get back."
"Yes sir." He said solemnly.
I looked him over, nodding. "Okay. Time check?"
"It's 0708 sir."
"Very well. We will be back by 1500. That's eight hours."
Travers took a shaky breath.
"If you don't hear from us by then, teleport us out. But I assure you we'll be back before then."
Travers hesitantly nodded his head.
"Hey." I layed my hand on his shoulder. "I trust you."
He hung his head nodding.
"We'll be back."
I mounted Grace. She walked us over to the cave mouth, both of us moving to camo, and jumping off the ledge.

On the tentative flight there, I got on the radio and briefed McManis.
"Captain, I'm not so sure you should risk yourself doing recon."
I half rolled my eyes, half looked up, taking a breath and holding it. "I know McManis, but we don't really have another choice."
"No, I understand the reasoning behind it, but are you sure it's a good idea not only risking yourself but also your only other animus? We have no idea what Goldman and Darkstalker are capable of."
I took a moment to think it over, but then relented. "You're right. No, you are. But as much as I would like to do it alone, I wouldn't have the mobility to get it done. Here, Grace, you can fly back and watch Travers. You can pick me up from the lake at sundown."
"Nuh-uh. There's no way I'm leaving you there with the likes of those two around."
She pointed at the two shadowy figures we banked around in a pylon turn. Darkstalker and Goldman were talking to the founders.
"Alright McManis. How 'bout this: I keep my distance, not go in close at all to risk anyone or anything?"
There was a long pause.
"I pray that you at least apply that to everyone else sir."
"Please don't get yourself killed Marvin."
I can't hide from them.
Grace chuckled. Don't make promises you can't keep.
I sighed. I'll at least try.
Suddenly, the world errupted!
Thunder and lighting and howling winds struck us, sending me off of Grace. I cried out, trying to dig my nails into her smooth scales, barely finding grip on her tail.
"MARVIN!" she shouted after me, nearly flicking me off in the process.
I held on for dear life, while she reoriented herself to rescue me. In a controlled dove, she managed to twist her tail around enough for me to climb back onto her back. I found my position and held on tightly, keeping my head against her warm and smooth scales.
"Are you okay?" She looked back at me, gliding.
I just sighed, burying my head in her.
She also took a hesitant exhale now that that fiasco was over. She looked over again at the figures as the thunder rolled and flashes of light dazzled us.
"I think we found Anemone."
I rubbed my eyes, trying to see over for myself. My blood ran cold.
Anemone's an animus. She's a wildcard.
I looked down at what lay before me.
"We didn't just find Anemone... Anemone found Darkstalker."

Wings of Honor: Meeting The EnemyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin