Chapter 13: Conflicting Certainty

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I looked up, watching the crackling fire. The general was warming his hands and his socks, resting on a log; while I was busy whittling a wooden spear from a stick, more flimsy than I'd like, for hunting and/or defense. Night fell upon us quickly, the fog rolling in only made things worse. Already the firelight reflected little sparks off in the distance. Although it was still too early to tell if it was snow or eyes watching us.
My rifle leaned against me. My trusty .30 caliber M1. Serial number 221777. I smiled at the thought of getting a rifle with the serial 777.
Seven was Grandpa's lucky number, and our address. This rifle kept me tied to home, even though I was across the ocean. I ran my thumb over the indented numbers. This rifle was my sword and shield. My security through superior firepower. It was a better rifle than anyone else in the war, who were still using bolt actions instead of semi-autos. The only thing that could possibly stand against it was a Lee Enfield, but they were also on our side. Sure, the axis may have some technology better than us, but we had the abilities to get it to the field first. That's what's gonna win this war.
The only problem was when their technology finally did make it to the field, like it did yesterday. Tigers. Three Tigers, a couple Panthers, tens of Panzer 3s and 4s, a bundle of sturmgeschütze, and thousands of mechanized infantry.
We were all of a company, armed with 3 1919s between us all, barely enough rifles to fill the TO&E, and severely lacking in the anti-tank department.
There was no way we would withstand that push in a fair fight. Thankfully, it was the Ardennes forest, in the winter, and we were on the defense. They managed through our first line, but I would like to see them chew through the 75mm anti-tank Gun we had set up overlooking the road.
I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard a howl, followed by a couple more howls. They echoed off the trees, and I couldn't discern if they were 300 or just 100 yards away. I stood up with the spear, the general looking at me with scared eyes.
Already I could hear low growling and gurgling of animals just beyond my sight line. I also knew we had only about two hours of fuel left for the fire, which would hold these beasts at bay for just a little while longer.
"If you're gonna take a nap, do it now. Once that fire goes out, we're it."
The Spirit of America hung at my hip, whom I would supplement the spear's range. My rifle was a last resort, once we were overrun where being discovered by the enemy was the least of our concerns. My bayonet sat snugly in its chest holster, ready in case I had to fight off any close quarters adversaries.
The fire burned down, and the circle of light it cast shrunk. With it, came the wolves, little growling beads emerging from the thickets. The pins of glowing eyes surrounded us intermittently, as starving as we were, closing in as our protective ring dwindled.
They were desperate. We were desperate.
The question was, now, who would survive the longest?
And then the wind snuffed out the last tongue, blanketing us in darkness.

I woke up to the smell of coffee being percolated, the distant sizzle of meat being cooked, and the aromas of carmels and potatoes. My mouth was watering by the time I got out of that tent. Emerging to the sweet smell of a humid and cool day, surrounded by trees and vegetation galore.
"Marvin." I was greeted to Grace looking up at me.
"Grace." I yawned, still waking up.
"You woke up just in time for forenoon watch."
"Ngh..." I rubbed the crud out of my eyes. "How long have I been out?" I mumbled.
"Not long." She looked up for a moment. "While I was... um... looking, Travers mentioned it was 'oh five seventeen when you nodded off. ...Sometime."
I just gave her a blank stare, not realizing at all what she was saying.
I shrugged. "Alright."
I heard Grace stifle a chuckle. "Travers is on the watch right now. He'll be back any minute."
I nodded.
"Hmm?" I looked back at her.
She was frowning, she canted her head at me. "You're missing something... and I can't say what."
"Huh?" I looked myself over. Friendship bracelet Jenifer gave me, I still have my class ring in my pocket, my Lord's Prayer ring, Serenety prayer band, Jordan Feliz band, I'm not missing anything.
"Huh." Grace kept staring at me. "Still... something seems off."
I almost rolled my eyes at her. "You've been saying that since all of yesterday."
"It still holds." She stood up.
That sound... somehow, only Mexicans and Mexican descendants can make that own sound... that just discredits anything. Don't ask me how I know.
Grace just about growled at me in return, teetering on the border of being serious and teasing, I couldn't tell the difference. Thankfully, Travers made his way up.
"Ah, Travers!"
He stumbled his way up. I walked up to meet him.
"Marvin." He nodded at me, trying to offer a smile.
"How status?"
Travers groaned as he sat down on a log by the fire. "Well... no major activity overnight. Darkstalker slept outside. The Japs made camp and slept. I took the moment to brief McManis, and he says he wants to reconvene with you. At around 06:30, Goldman woke and woke Darkstalker. He went back to enchanting requests for other dragons, he's still enchanting stuff now. That is all."
I nodded. "Thank you." Picking up a cup of coffee.
When I finished my sip, I realized Travers was looking at me funny. I chuckled. "Do I have something on my face Travers?"
He snapped out of it, shaking his head. "I don't know. You're missing something Marvin. Something's off."
I chuckled. "You're not the first to say that." I took another sip. Realizing that Tatsuo was coming back with a little more firewood.
"Captain. Where is your pendent?"
I just looked at him, confused.
Even Travers asked. "Pendent?"
Grace sat up, waving a claw. "He's talking... you know..." She motioned around her neck.
I felt around my own neck, realizing that my cross wasn't there anymore.
"Your cross! That's what it was." Grace groaned, nearly falling over trying to smack herself in the face.
"Oh that's alright." I waved her off.
Instantly I felt the camp fall a couple degrees.
"Excuse me?" Grace suddenly stated.
"Captain, your mindreading-"
"That's my rank pin Travers. And I don't need it, Grace's crucifix does the same thing, and she can translate mentally for me."
They all just blinked at me. Then Travers got up.
"Grace, can I speak with you?"
"Y-yeah, sure."
I watched as Travers whispered something to Grace. I was a little concerned when I realized I couldn't see either of their minds, but I trusted them. I trusted Grace.
"Um... that's... fine Travers. Me, and Travers will go and Tare up the forest looking for your crucifix. No worries."
Tare? What do you mean Tare? But I couldn't stop them if they wanted to go on their own. "Okay. That's fine. You guys go, but we'll hold here. Me, Ken, and Tatsuo."
I don't know what Travers was planning, but I approved it. They walked off.
Right as they left, Tatsuo said something to me, but I couldn't understand him anymore.
Oh. I motioned to him, first to my mouth, then chopped at my neck, shaking my head. "I can't understand you."
Tatsuo seemed confused, but he understood what I was trying to tell.
I sighed, looking off towards the NightWing village.
Well, sure, it would've been nice to have my crucifix. I'll just have to wait until Grace comes back. Tatsuo seems to understand basic hand signals, so I can talk with him that way.
I got up, pouring myself a cup of Joe. Tatsuo mumbled something, then got up with his rifle and walked off to return to his watch. I grabbed a couple K rations, heading to the front where I would likely swap out with Ken.

Wings of Honor: Meeting The EnemyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang