Chapter 12: The Deserter

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Dear Momma and Daddy,
This is my first letter from overseas. Greetings from Algeria. While it is difficult speaking without English, my most skilled language as you two are very much familiar with, my limited Spanish skills have actually proven somewhat useful. I have managed to talk my way out of three fights so far, with only a single one firing a shot. (It wasn't me, I sware on Grandpa's name.)
The fighting is not at all like the movies, and I haven't even seen a live German yet. I hope I never do.
There was even the first deployment of soldiers descending from airborne aircraft, using devices called parachutes. They are truly the best of the best, and all of them that I have met are extraordinary soldiers. Even though it is easily the most dangerous role a man could possibly take—dropping behind enemy lines—I confess that it still has an allure to it.
My unit has taken no casualties so far, and we were one of the lucky ones. I know Gregory will attribute it all to me, and I must admit even others have taken notice too already. I only hope that God's luck remains on my side, even this far away.
I still have your pictures, and thank you for the cake. Me and the 3rd platoon all had a slice. It was delicious. Keep sending us more, they say.
Until my next letter,
Pfc. Marvin Jerez

"It is so good to finally see you." Is what he said. He started to bring his hands down.
I gestured with my rifle. "Keep your hands up!" I looked over to my second. "Travers, go get rope."
"I got some right here."
"Okay." Looking back towards my prisoner, keeping my rifle on him the whole time. "Walk to your left, slowly."
He obliged, already revealing he understood me. Travers jumped up from his position, slinged his rifle, and tied up this man's hands with such a flow to his motions you could barely tell where each action ended and the next began. It was almost simultaneous.
Once he was detained, I approached him.
"Name, Rank."
"Ken Sekiguchi, it would be soldier first class to you."
We began to lower our guns to him.
"Are you alone out here?"
"Yes. Only me."
Strange. "Why would they send you out here alone?"
"I..." suddenly, the man had... what I could only describe as a brief paranormal experience. His head twitched, and his entire body convulsed for just a moment, then he answered indifferently calmly. "I deserted from Goldman's army. I came to find you. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,' right?"
I looked to Tatsuo, he looked concerned. I looked to Travers, him moreso.
"What do you think we can do to help you?" I asked back. "We are in no position to go against Goldman either."
"I know that." He began. "But maybe I might offer you additional manpower and intel, in exchange for letting me join you?"
I squinted at him. This was almost exactly like Tatsuo's situation. And look at what he gave us. We got an extra rifle, another set of eyes, and intel on Goldman's plan. What could Ken offer us?
I turned to see a concerned Grace next to me.
This doesn't feel right.
I just looked at her in confusion. What do you mean? I don't have a bad feeling about him.
You don't? Grace recoiled.
I turned back to Ken.
"Your intel first. Then we will decide whether or not we will accept you into our squad."
"Very well. I have a list of every power the NightWings have enchanted themselves with." Everyone's eyes widened. "It is in my right pocket."
I approached, looking out for his pocket. When he announced "That one." I reached inside and found a slip of paper. Pulling it out revealed a smally written list that extended over to the backside. There must have been probably twenty names, and descriptions to match.
I motioned with the paper. "This will definitely be helpful."
"And that's not all."
We all turned back towards him.
"I managed to steal a small amount of supplies from Goldman's armory. Rifles, grenades, munitions, you name it. I have it all stashed nearby. I can take you to it, if you let me join you."
I took a deep breath. It wasn't that I had a feeling per-say, but I was picking something up from everybody else.
I'm not so sure about this Marvin. Grace voiced her concern.
Travers kept looking at me, unsure himself whether or not to bring what he thought was the best course of action.
Tatsuo studied the man intently. He too was also unsure of... something.
I folded the paper up and stuck it in my pocket.
"We're running low on supplies ourselves, arnt we?" I looked around. Travers nodded. "And extra ammo and explosives won't hurt us either."
I approached Ken once more, withdrawing my knife and cutting the ropes. While I folded it back up, I said to him, "Take us to your stash."
He nodded. "Of course."

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