Chapter 7: Displace

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I was out of my hole, clutching my STG as tight as I could. The 1919 needed ammo, and I was the only guy free. The Jerries were pressing us hard, and our one MG had only one belt left.
I ran as fast as I could, trying not to trip in the deep snow. High steps. High steps. The cacophony of gunfire and war and artillery.
I tore into the camp, right as the ammo tent disintegrated.
I ran around the camp, shouting over the explosions.
"30 cal! I need belts!"
I tore open every tent, looking for ammo cans.
"I need 30 caliber!"
I didn't notice I tore into the Officer's tent. The flag was on the ground, covered in the blizzard.
"I nee-"
I froze when I found a decorated man huddled in the corner of the tent. A silver star to him.
"General! You can't stay here!"
I ran and got him up. He was mumbling something.
"Come on."
There was a single ammo can in the corner of the tent. Another belt of 30 cal.
"Good enough."
Slinging my STG, with the general on my right arm, and a box with my left. We started back out into the bitter cold. The general was dragging his feet, almost trying not to walk.
"General." I grabbed him, shaking him to lucidity. "The enemy is near. Your men need ammo. We have to get it to them." I showed him the box of ammunition. "We have to move."
He blinked a few times, cleared the growing frost off his face, then nodded. "Okay. Okay."
"Let's move. On me."
I pulled him forward. He was still shell shocked.

We charted into the storm and snow.

I took the mid-morning watch. Grace and Travers were completely exhausted, so I let them have a couple hour power nap.
Admittedly, I was pretty tired too. If it's the one thing I'm guilty of, is staying up late to make sure my asignments are done. And apparently a corn crop requires a metric fuck ton of paperwork before it hits the market. While I have gone days, and almost a full week, without sleeping, there comes a point where I just break down from all the stress that I encounter and just go fulfill my needs, not giving a shit about any consequences.
Although, I was sitting pretty with my fourth cup of coffee today, and just watching over Jade Mountain and keeping an eye out for any disturbances.
Well, at least I was suposed to, until someone decided to come up next to me.
I looked over at him with a half scowl. "Travers. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"
"Um... yeah."
"Then why are you here talking to me?"
"We'll um..."
"Spit it out Travers, or I'm gonna have to read your mind." I was already back to looking over the mountains.
"You haven't seen where my gloves were, have you?"
Now I looked him dead in the eye. "No. I haven't. Did you ask Grace?"
"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his head. "She and I went through all the duffles. We can't find them."
I looked back, spotting Grace. She shrugged in answer.
"And you're sure you brought them with you? I kind-of remember you left your camp in the Sky Kingdom in a panic. Not to mention The Scorpian Den and Queen Thorn's palace." Oh! Wait a minute. Maybe we could go see Queen Thorn. She knows Grace. If we get in contact, we could possibly get a SandWing army! No, it wouldn't be enough, especially not against Goldman's army and Darkstalker. "Damn." I muttered under my breath.
"I umm... I'll keep searching, Captain." He waved a half salute to me.
I waved him off, returning my attention back to the scenery.
Let's see. If we could get Queen Thorn. Could we maybe use the Eye Of Onyx to vaporize Darkstalker? Or does that only work on SandWings. And if it doesn't, well that kindof defeats my plan real fast.
Okay, Peril can't harm him. I know Rainwing venom or Ice breath can't hurt him. Rifle rounds couldn't even hurt Goldman.
No, Goldman couldn't have brought his battleship. Even if I could get ahold of sixteen inch guns, I doubt they would have any effect of our monsters.
I sighed. We can't kill them. We can't stop them anyhow. How in the world do I outsmart them?
But then I was jerked from my thoughts as a flash of my peripheral gave way to fuzzy khaki-mustard figure.
ALARM! I screamed in my head.
Instantly I heard a commotion go on from behind me. I went invisible, unslinging my MKB and training it towards the figure.
I sensed Travers taking an ambush position from a nearby bolder, overlooking my position. Grace had also gone invisible, and was carefully outflanking around the precipice. Exactly the way we planned.
We all lie in wait, listening to the nervous mind inch closer and closer. Listening to his careless steps blare his location with each crumbling step. Unaware of just how badly screwed he was now.
He peered into view. A lone Japanese soldier with a field cap. He carried no rifle on him or behind him, but that didn't mean he was completely safe. Grace was already sneaking up behind him, blocking his perceived way of escape.
He inched closer, but was starting to become suspicious. He kept looking around at the sky, and taking the occasional glance back towards the Academy. No matter. All he needed was to take one more... fatal... step.

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