Chapter 20: Sink Or Swim

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Certificate of Appreciation
From the United States Army

Certificate of AppreciationFrom the United States Army

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To all who shall see these presents, greetings

To the parents of

Marvin I. Jerez

By the authority vested in me, it is my pleasure to express the grateful appreciation of the United States Army, to you, for enduring the frequent and long separation from your son as he served his country. These months, indeed years that he spent away from you constitute a clear and noble demonstration of his love for you and his family. You see, he left you in order to ensure that you inherited a safer world, a surer peace. To those who say a single man cannot make a difference, I say wrong. Your son did! He made our Army stronger and kept our nation safe.
Take pride in your son's dedicated service in the United States Army and to our Nation, and recognize that he is one of the few Americans who truly "served our country," alongside his father. As a vital member of this command, your son significantly contributed to the freedom and well being you now enjoy as an American citizen.     Treasure this precious legacy always.

The United States Army thanks both you and your son for enduring these separations.

Given this 30th day of March, 1945

Lucas Campana
Colonel, United States Army
Commanding Officer
502d Parachute Infantry, 101st Airborne

Contact close.
It was difficult to see down here in the twilight zone. Although my night vision was greatly improved as a SeaWing, my vision wasn't much better than my mindreading distance. Even though I was eagle-eyed enough to spot a sniper once at 1283 yards away, my mindreading picked up the forward patrol first. You try spotting a light forest green SeaWing against a dark blue ocean.
Shit. Make me invisible.
I promptly smacked myself because I didn't have my jacket.
Follow me. Stay low.
I looked myself over again. Half in awe that I was a fricken dragon and not dreaming, half to see the colors I could use to camouflage into.
There was a coral reef that formed an archway, hopefully, large enough to provide concealment. Quickly swimming underneath it, and lying in its shadow.
I dared to look over behind me, spotting Grace duck into a seaweed forest.
Stay low. Don't move.
I know. She responded.
I held my breath, which I could already hold for a good minute and a half, more while relaxed, comfortable, and underwater, like I was now. Eyeing the lone, green, SeaWing guard, swimming along oblivious to us, but armed with a trident-like polearm. Needless to say, without a firearm or other ranged weapon of any sort, a dude with a sharp stick had the firepower advantage. Combined with my own knowledge of battle training, which happened to include a research paper on the effectiveness of medieval weaponry, a spear was much more effective than a sword for an untrained man. Even though the sword had a higher skill ceiling, anyone with a spear is a credible threat to anything barring ranged weaponry. Even though we had the numbers advantage, and I was no stranger in hand-to-hand combat, I knew I was outclassed.
Wait. Wait until he passes.
Unless he sees us. Grace added.
Then we'll split up, surround him. Whoever he targets draws his fire, while the other flanks. He can't hit two targets at once.
Good plan. I felt Grace nod.
We continued watching him, looking around for a bit, patrolling for way longer than necessary. I had to risk exposing myself through bubbles to prevent myself from asphyxiating. Eventually, he moved on. But we didn't risk breaking cover until he was well out of visual range. We could still hear his mind though.
Eventually, Grace broke concealment. Swimming out into the open and motioning towards me.
I swam out for her, after taking one last situational awareness look-around.
That was a royal guard. Grace said.
Then if we're encountering them, the palace must be close.
Yeah. Grace's gaze drifted off to the distance.
I swam up against her. You okay?
She took a deep breath, letting it out with a stream of bubbles. We can't hide forever. Especially once we get to the palace.
I looked at her. Then what do you suppose we'll have to do?
Grace whined. You're gonna have to talk to them.
I saw immediately why Grace was uncomfortable with that.
I can't use telepathy. And I don't know aquatic.
Grace rubbed her snout. I know. I know a little, maybe enough to get by. Tsunami and Anemone sometimes offered translations.
Yeah. But if you say the wrong thing, that could just as quickly get us arrested.
Or worse.
Or worse. I agreed.
Grace shook her head. I could try maybe reading their mind for translations, but I'd have to be touching them to get exact translations.
That's dangerous with soldiers. I tried thinking. And I'm pretty sure there isn't an English to aquatic dictionary anywhere. Is there?
Grace smiled. Not that I know of.
I just took a shaky breath. And I'm not gonna let you use an enchantment. Not for this, if it would even work.
Grace nodded.
Maybe we could lure them to the surface?
Then bump into them?
That could work.
Maybe. I pondered. It's risky. And there would be no guarantees.
Grace motioned. Maybe with our SeaWing friend back there.
I looked back in its direction. Shaking my head.
God willing.
We both swam towards the SeaWing's last known direction.

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