Chapter 4

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Iwasn’t exactly thrilled about being put in another diaper either so as soon as Emma released me I went back to my room to search for my clothes. I was grateful that none of my friends followed me, I really didn’t want anything more to do with the stupid roleplay.

Starting at my bed, I began to search the room methodically, checking every corner I could think of where Ally might have stuffed my clothes. I didn’t see her with them after she dressed me, so I assumed she’d just put them somewhere in the room.

An hour of searching later, I wasn’t so sure. I’d looked in every hiding place I could think of, even the trash, and still nothing. Eventually I decided that if I couldn’t have my clothes, I’d have to settle for something a little less humiliating in the closet.

But in the closet I discovered that my options for clothing were pretty much diaper and dress or dress and diaper. There were dozens, maybe hundreds, of pink dresses stacked in drawers and hung on coat hangers with countless packages of diapers stacked all over the place. I did manage to find a couple stockings and baby bonnets in one of the drawers, but that was the only exception. Even the toy box I found in the corner with dress up clothes didn’t have any better options. There were stockings, t-shirts, dresses, all kinds of hats, clips and bows, pretty much everything except pants. I could wear a diaper, or I could not wear anything. My skirt was a little too short for me to pull off the latter.

I had to admit, it was all very elaborate for a vacation house. The dresses and diapers alone had to be in the thousands of dollars. Plus the beds and wallpaper, all probably custom made, it was pretty expensive. I really hoped that the owner would be understanding.

I wondered what Emma and Ally’s room was like since I hadn’t gotten a chance to see it the day before. I was kind of expecting some equally pink room or maybe some other theme but to my surprise it was completely a completely normal room with one queen sized bed and dresser and some other miscellaneous furniture. It was the same with the closet. Just a bunch of normal clothes.

Except, they were all girl clothes. And the closet was divided into two distinct sections with two different sizes. I took a closer look at some of the clothes. I was pretty sure that one sizes was Emma’s and the other was Ally’s. I picked up a bra. I’d been friends with Ally long enough to know her measurements and the bra was her size exactly.

I frowned. This closet was stocked perfectly for Emma and Ally. How was that possible? Was there a lesbian couple that lived in this room that happened to be exactly Emma and Ally’s sizes? It was possible, but pretty unlikely, especially considering all the other coincidences of the house.

“You want to wear one of Mommy’s bras?” Clark’s voice asked behind me and I jumped and immediately dropped the bra.

“I’m, uh, looking for my clothes!” I sputtered. Clark and Nick laughed and I turned bright red.

“Well I suppose if you want to play dress up with Mommy’s clothes we can…” Nick said

“Drop it.” I said, half afraid that they’d actually make good on the offer.

Imulled about the house for the rest of the morning until lunch time looking for my clothes and then a good part of the afternoon. I tore apart the entire house, but eventually I gave up. They weren’t in any drawers, under any rugs, hidden in any corners or anywhere else I looked. Ally wasn’t exactly giving me anything to go off of either. Every time I asked her she seemed more and more confused as to why I wanted to wear boxers and not diapers. I once asked her if I could just have my cell phone back and she looked at me like I was speaking another language.

I plopped down at the kitchen table halfway through the afternoon. Ally was at the table spooning salt from a can into the salt shaker. Having nothing better to do, I sighed and watched her for a few minutes. When she was done, she picked up the bottle of baby powder she’d used in my diaper change that morning and began shaking salt from the can into the bottle.

“Wait a minute, why are you refilling that bottle with salt?” I asked

“Salt? It’s baby powder.” Ally said. She handed the can to Emma in the kitchen who scooped some out with a measuring cup and dumped it in a mixing bowl.

“You’re baking with baby powder?” I asked in confusion

“No, the recipe calls for two cups of sugar.” Emma said, putting a second cup in. She flipped the page and stuck the measuring cup back into the jar.

“I thought you said two cups of sugar.” I said

“That’s what I just added, now I’m measuring out three cups of flour.” She said

I shook my head. Was I really the only one not going crazy here? Suddenly something occurred to me. I walked over to the jar and looked in. Admittedly I couldn’t really tell salt from sugar if it wasn’t labeled, but I was pretty sure that the stuff in the can wasn’t any of the things Ally and Emma had just said it was. It was fine, white powder all right, but there were little sparkles in it, like someone had mixed in glitter. Except I was pretty sure it wasn’t glitter.

“Ally, um, I’m starting to feel like I need a diaper change.” Nick said across the kitchen from me. I didn’t think much of it until I suddenly realized that there was another place where I’d seen white powder that morning. I whirled around but Ally was already shaking a good amount of ‘baby powder’ into Nick’s new diaper. It was twinkling in the air as it fell. Next to her was Nick’s old diaper, completely unused. Why would Nick need a new diaper unless it was to give him a dose of whatever the powder was?

“There you go, all fresh!” Ally said, taping his diaper shut. Nick smiled.

“Thanks!” He said, his voice a lot more enthusiastic than before. I knew what I had to do.

I quickly grabbed the jar on the counter.

“Hey!” Emma said “What are you doing with that Jack?”

“Just give me a second!” I said. I quickly ran to the bathroom and dumped every last bit of powder into the toilet and flushed. I nodded with satisfaction as I watched the cloudy, sparkly water disappear down the drain. I returned to the kitchen with the empty jar and set it on the counter. There was an identical jar next to it, filled to the top with white powder.

“What?” I asked in disbelief

“We were out of flour, so I got a new one.” Emma said

“From where?” I asked

“The cupboard.” Emma said, gesturing. I began opening all the cupboards. I saw spices, cans and all the other staples of a good kitchen, but there wasn’t another jar to be found. I seized the jar on the counter and repeated the process, flushing it all down the toilet. When I got back there was the empty jar where I had left it, and a full jar sitting next to it.

I shook my head in disbelief. Where had Emma gotten that? I had just checked to make sure there wasn’t any more in the cupboards! But I wasn’t going to give up, I grabbed that jar and did it again. No matter what, there had to be a limit to the powder.

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