Chapter 9

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From then on either Ally or Emma would grab me and hold on any time I tried to run to the potty, making sure that I pooped my diaper like a ‘good sissy girl.’ It didn’t matter much anyways. Within two days I only had ten seconds warning max before I’d start messing my diaper. I wouldn’t have even been able to make it to the potty even if it had been available.

And as though just to make the fact that I was now pooping my diapers even more humiliating, every time I pooped I’d let out these noisy farts. Peeing was discreet, I could wet myself while waddling to breakfast or sitting in a chair and no one knew until they gave me a diaper check. Pooping, my stomach would gurgle, my bowels would grumble and then Braap, Splaat Faaart! Everyone’s eyes would go straight to my diaper. They’d giggle and comment while I helplessly filled my diaper.

But of all the noises that I began to make, the giggles were the worst. It was like hiccupping, an involuntary reflex that just happened. They just began happening one day when we were playing dress up.

“Ooh, this would look lovely on you!” Nicole said, holding up a poofy yellow dress.

I crossed my arms and pouted on the bed. I would have been perfectly happy sitting out of any game Claire and Nicole played, but they always insisted on not only dragging me into it, but also making me the center of attention of whatever tea party or game of house that they were playing. I tried resisting them too, but it seemed like I was the weakest of the three of us and they usually physically forced me into wherever they were doing if I really put up a fight.

Currently I was sitting on the bed in just my bra and diaper while they held up outfits to me. My breasts had swelled like balloons and I was currently at a C and pushing it. My crotch had changed to match my breasts, so my penis was now a little limp bump and I’d gotten a fully formed vagina to match. I wasn’t happy with any of the changes of course, but at that point I was just trying to ride it out. I figured that there wasn’t anything I could do to stop the transformation.

“You can put the dress on me if you want.” I sighed flatly

“Yay! You’re going to be the prettiest sissy in the whole wide world!” *Giggle* Claire said

I looked at her. She’d certainly laughed before, but it was usually because someone was pooping their diaper or something. The sound she’d just made was… different somehow. More airy and silly.

*Giggle* “Why are you looking at me like that?” *Giggle* Claire asked

“What are you giggling about?” I asked

“What do you mean?” *Giggle* Claire asked

“There!” I said “You just giggled like a little girl!” *Giggle*

My eyes widened. Had that noise really just come from me? It was such a high pitched girly giggle!

*Giggle* “You did too!” Claire giggled

“Did not!” *Giggle*

There it was again, I sounded like a bubbly little girl! I clapped both hands over my mouth to try to hold the giggles back.

*Giggle* “Silly sissy!” Claire giggled

“Do my sissies need their diapers changed?” Ally asked, walking into the room

*Giggle* “Yes mommy!” Claire and Nicole answered simultaneously

I shook my head no. *Giggle* It just came out.

Ally checked my diaper “Jackie, you need a diaper change too you silly sissy.”

“But Emma just” *Giggle* “gave me a” *Giggle* “diaper change!” I protested between giggles.

“Then you must have made a pee-pee since your last change!” *Giggle* Nicole said

“But I-”

Braaap! Splort! I cringed as I felt myself helplessly poop my diaper. I always hated the messing, no matter how many times I did it. This time though, my mouth seemed to think otherwise.

*Giggle* *Giggle* I broke out giggling as I felt myself begin to fill my diaper. Claire and Nicole giggled along with me.

*Giggle* “Now you really need a change Jackie!” *Giggle*

*Giggle* “What? This” *Giggle* “isn’t funny!” *Giggle* *Giggle* I giggled. Of course that made them giggle harder, which then made me giggle harder.

“Hey Jackie!” Claire said, sticking her tongue out. Pffft! She made a farting noise with her mouth. *Giggle* I grinned, even though on the inside I was just thinking how stupid and immature it was.

“Look, I’m Jackie going poo-poo in my diapey!” Nicole said, squatting. Pffft! Pffft! She spit a little as she pursed her lips.

*Giggle* *Giggle* I giggled. Before I knew what I was doing, my tongue was out. Pffft! “Uh-oh, I made a big oopsie!” I said. My hands went right over my mouth. What had I just said? *Giggle* Of course with the giggles it looked like I was just snickering.

“All right sissies, that’s enough. Let’s get you in some clean diapers.” Ally said. I never thought I’d be saved from embarrassment by needing to get my messy diaper changed.

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