Chapter 6

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At that point I made a plan that as soon as the blizzard stopped, I would make a break for the car and escape. In the meantime, I tried to keep up my strength by exercising so Ally and Emma couldn’t take me by the arm like some two year old but even that failed. Despite doing push-ups every day, I could do fewer and fewer of them each time. Just trying to do one or two was a challenge for me before long.

But despite not even being able to lift 20 pounds, I still had more energy than ever before. That was the one change I actually liked, I was able to go for hours laughing and running and playing without stop. Despite the fact that I knew it was because I was becoming a bouncing baby girl, I had to enjoy it a little.

As it turned out, my loss of muscle just the first of many changing my body went through. The diapers and dresses had been bad to get used to, but at least I’d known that as soon as I took them off I’d be back to my male self. But then my arms and legs got slender. Then I lost all body hair.

I’d never been proud of being hairy or anything, but I one day I noticed that the little beard I had been growing was gone. I quickly checked the rest of my body and found everything was smooth as a baby’s bottom, which I guessed was appropriate for me. I had no hair anywhere except on my head.

That wouldn’t have been such a problem, except as though to make up for the loss of hair on my body, the hair on my head began growing at an alarming pace. Emma had always told me she envied my hair because I was a perfect natural shade of blonde. Two days into the rapid hair growth I woke up and looked in the mirror and screamed. I had long flowing golden locks of hair down to my shoulders.

“I know, it’s so exciting we get to play dress up today!” Claire said eagerly running up next to me. I gawked. She was a brunette with silky hair as long as mine.

“Hang on a second.” Emma said “We’ve got to tie your hair up. We wouldn’t want it getting tangled when you were playing now would we?”

I could only stand there staring in shock while Emma put both our hair in pigtails. With my hair long I could barely recognize the face staring back at me in the mirror. I could have mistaken myself for an actual girl!

Just how feminine I looked should have been a clue to me but it didn’t even occur to me that it was a sign of things to come. I just shook my head and accepted that Nicole, who I saw with her long red hair in braids when I went downstairs ten minutes later, Claire, and I were now long haired girls.

I think it was probably mostly self-deception that allowed me to cling onto the thought that the diaper powder was just turning me into a feminine boy. I still had all my male parts, to put it nicely, it was just hard to tell when I was wearing a three inch thick diaper. That changed one day when Emma was dabbing diaper powder onto my face, which apparently was also blush.

I was moving my head around as much as possible to try to get the message across that I really, really did not want to do makeup, but Emma had the patience of a saint and just took any opportunity she could to continue her work. She’d been chattering nonstop about how cute and adorable I looked. I’d been doing my best to tune her out, except I couldn’t possibly miss one comment she made once she was almost done.

“Oh, by the way, did you remember to put your bra on today?”

“Bra!?!” Had I heard that correctly?

“Yes, Jackie, your bra. I know your breasts are a little small, but you should still keep them tight.”


My hands went to my chest. I wanted to believe that the lumps I felt were just my pecs, but I knew I had practically no muscle left. Plus they were a bit too… squishy to be muscle. My hand went right to my crotch, but I didn’t feel anything there. Hoping it was just the thickness of the diaper, I pulled back the front to check.

It actually took me almost three seconds to spot it, my dick was so tiny and fragile. How had I not noticed that change!?! Of course the answer was obvious, I’d been diapered 24/7 for the past week and a half and hadn’t exactly been staring while I was getting my diaper changed.

“It’s so small…” I said

“That’s because you’re a little sissy that goes pee-pee in her diapers.” Emma said, finishing up with my makeup. Without warning she pulled off my dress. I gasped. I only got a quick glance at my breasts in the mirror before Emma fastened a bra around my chest, but it was pretty undeniable that I was more girl than boy.

“Aww, you’re adorable!” Emma said, pausing to admire me in the mirror before putting me dress back on.

“Please Emma.” I tried, painfully aware of how high-pitched my voice was “Remember me? Jack? Please, I don’t want to be a diaper girl! Try to remember, try to fight it!”

Emma lifted my skirt and squeezed the front of my diaper.

“Yep, we’d better change your diaper Jackie!” She said

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