Chapter 5

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Or at least, that’s what I thought. By the time dinner was ready, there were at least 50 empty jars piled around the kitchen and one full jar that Emma put back in the cupboard. I couldn’t believe it, there was no way that this was all possible.

“Dinner time!”

I sighed and sat down at the table when I realized something, Emma had just cooked this entire meal with the white powder! We were all about to eat whatever was causing the weird behavior!

“Wait!” I said but everyone was already eating ravenously. I had an urge to begin knocking food out of my friends’ hands but then I remembered that I had just spent three hours trying to get rid of the white powder. I could spill as much food as I wanted, inevitably there would be more, and that was assuming my friends wouldn’t gang up on me and force it on me like they’d done earlier. Plus, we couldn’t not eat. The chicken Emma had prepared did look good…

I sighed and took a bite, hopeful that whatever resistance I seemed to have to the powder would hold up until I could figure out a solution.

After dinner I was walking back to my room when suddenly I needed to pee. The urge came on so strong and so fast that I barely had time to push my legs together to keep from wetting right then.

“Oops!” Clark said behind me “It’s a good thing Mommy put me in a diaper today!”

I looked behind me. Clark was lifting up the hem of his dress, his diaper sagging. Next to him Nick was doing a potty dance, but as soon as he saw Clark’s reaction he relaxed.

“That’s right, I’m wearing a diaper so I don’t need to worry about making it to the toilet.” He said, sighing and letting loose in his diaper.

“No, Nick, you’ve got to- guh!” I gasped as I lost control. Hisss! Warmth spread across my crotch as my diaper grew heavy. I couldn’t stop it, by the time I was done I’d helplessly soaked myself and had a sagging diaper to match Nick and Clark’s.

“Oh, Emma it looks like our three baby sissies need some diaper changes before they go to bed!” Ally called. I couldn’t stop blushing as I was given a second diaper change that day.

After that I didn’t doubt the white powder. In just a day I’d gone from being fully potty trained to relying on diapers for bedwetting and accidents. Because the first thing it had done to me was put me back in diapers, I decided to call it ‘diaper powder.’ Since it seemed to be the key to my problems, I tried to at least understand it, even if getting rid of it was apparently impossible.  

Over a few days, I began to understand how the diaper powder worked. The first rule was that it served whatever function it was intended for just fine.  Mix it with water and put it in a glass? It was powdered milk. Mix it with water and put it in a baby bottle? It was baby formula. Bake cookies with it? It doubled as both flour and sugar. Sprinkle some in soup? It was salt. Shake it onto my butt while getting my diaper changed? It was baby powder.

There was absolutely no way of escaping it either. Everything I ate, every time I drank I knew I was taking in more diaper powder. Not to mention the four or five times a day Ally or Emma came to me telling me I needed a diaper change when I was completely clean plus the two or three times I actually needed a diaper change after I had an accident. I tried to minimize contact with it, but that was all but impossible considering that it was in everything I ate and drank except water.

I still couldn’t figure out why it was turning the girls into mommies and the boys into girly babies though. I guessed it had something to do with genetics, like the fact that I was the only one whose mind had not been altered to match my body. The other four were blissfully oblivious to the danger no matter how many times I tried to warn them. Emma and Ally always laughed at what a silly sissy baby I was and usually checked my diaper while I was trying to explain. Nick and Clark, or Nicole and Claire as they were beginning to go by, spent their days giggling and became more and more mindless with each passing day.

“We’ve got to leave!” I said to them about a week in “Nick, come on try to remember basketball! Please don’t do this!”

I kept trying to get them to come out of their trance, but the prospects of that happening were looking pretty grim. All our cellphones seemed to have disappeared like our clothes, so there was no way to try to contact the outside world. Talk of trying to get to the car had stopped by the third day and the very idea of leaving the house seemed to have left my friends’ minds by the fourth. They were perfectly content staying.

“Who’s Nick? I’m Nicole!” Nick giggled as he painted his fingernails a hot pink. They were happily descending deeper and deeper into a new life of diapers and pink frilly dresses and mindless giggles.

“Oh, is Jackie being a silly sissy again?” Ally laughed, walking into the room with a stack of diapers. My stomach lurched. Jackie!?! They weren’t honestly going to start calling me that were they!?!

“My name’s Jack.” I said loudly to try to get the message across. Ally rolled her eyes.

“Whatever you say Jackie. Do you need a new diaper?”

“No.” I said, though I wasn’t positive. Ally pushed her hand into my diaper and we both felt a squish.

“Silly sissy.” Ally laughed, patting me on the head “I guess I can’t expect sissies like you to know when they’ve gone pee-pee. That’s why you wear diapers after all. Now let’s get you changed!”

I blushed and let Ally lay me on the changing mat.

My incontinence had just gotten worse since the initial wetting until I was freely wetting myself. For the first few days, I’d still been able to tell if my diaper was wet, but after a week I began to have to rely on diaper checks to tell me if I needed a change. Not only that, but the diapers I was being changed into just kept getting thicker and more babyish. The first diaper had been at least five times thinner than the pillowy, heart-printed thing that Ally taped onto my butt.

“There you go Jackie, all clean!” She said, patting my new diaper after taping it shut.

“What color do you want your nails painted?” Clark, or Claire, asked, holding up two bottles “Light red or magenta?”

They both looked pink to me but I had other things on my mind. I stood up and began walking, or toddling given the size of my diaper, quickly towards the door. I didn’t care if I had to dig through twelve feet of snow with my bare hands, I was going to get to the car and get out of here.

Emma was standing in the kitchen mixing a generous amount of diaper powder into soup we were having for lunch. She saw what I was doing and took two steps and took me by the arm. It wasn’t violent, but it was still firm enough that she was holding me. I yanked to free my arm, and found Emma still holding me.

I didn’t understand, I did crew and lifted weights in my free time. Emma didn’t even do sports and yet she was a good deal stronger than me. The diaper powder, it had to be. I took a look my arm Emma was holding. It was definitely more slender and feminine than I was used to. I probably hadn’t noticed the change because it had taken place over a few days.

“Where are you going Jackie?” Emma asked. It was like everyone had conspired to start calling me Jackie at the same time.

“I want to play outside!” I said, hoping that she would buy the excuse. Emma shook her head.

“It’s a blizzard outside you silly sissy. Wait until it clears up.”

I knew she was right, but the blizzard had been going nonstop for the entire week. It was obvious that there was something off about it, along with the fact that we never seemed to run out of food or that we still had electricity and water. There were a lot of strange things about the house, but I wasn’t testing anything until I could figure it out a little better. Running into the blizzard in just my diaper and dress definitely wasn’t a good idea. Diapers were bad, frostbite was worse. I sighed and toddled back to get my nails painted.

Diaper powderWhere stories live. Discover now