Chapter 11

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Itoddled out of the house as fast as I could as soon as Ally opened the door and breathed the crisp winter air. It was a wonderful feeling to finally be free of the awful house! Now all I had to do was subtly get further and further away until I could make a break for the car. I wondered briefly what driving would be like in such a thick diaper. I was kind of dependent on diapers now so it wasn’t like I could ditch it because then I’d probably make a mess in the seat. But I couldn’t think about that now. Slowly I began going further and further away, pretending like I was exploring.

I had to admit though, the snow was really beautiful, glinting and sparkling in the sunlight. Something still seemed wrong though. The snow, it felt weird. Too lightweight. Shouldn’t it have heavier? And deeper? As a matter of fact, why hadn’t the entire house been buried if the blizzard had been going on nonstop for over two weeks?

I picked up a handful of snow and pressed it to my cheek. It felt kind of grainy and rough, closer to what I would have expected from sand than snow. And the snow wasn’t really that cold actually. It was… it was…

I was standing knee deep in diaper powder.

“No!” *Giggle* I said, scrambling to try to get back into the house as fast as I could. I couldn’t afford to breathe in too much! I was already so far along in the transformation! If I wasn’t careful I’d…

My boot caught on a root. I tripped and fell face first into the snow, completely engulfed in diaper powder.

“Jackie, are you all right?” Mommy Emma asked. I popped out of the snow.

*Giggle* “Oopsie, I so silly!” *Giggle* I giggled “I needs ta remwembaw thad id hard ta walk in my big diapey!” *Giggle*

“All right then, just be a little more careful next time.” Mommy Ally said

Mommy Ally gave me my paci and I began sucking on it like the good baby girl I was. I toddled back over to Claire and Nicole. All the activity moved my bowels around.

Braap! It was hard to hear my fart-farts under my snowpants, but I felt something warm and squishy fill the seat of my diapey.

*Giggle* “Oops.” I giggled, patting my diapey butt

“Whad’s goin’ on Jackie?” Claire asked me

“I made a poopsie in my diapey!” I giggled. Claire and Nicole began to giggle with me.


“Oh, I twink I just wend poo-poo too!” *Giggle* Nicole suddenly said


“Me twee!” Claire giggled

*Giggle* I giggled “Poopying my diapey makes me feel silly!” *Giggle*

*Giggle* “Mommy will give us cwean diapeys lader!” Nicole said *Giggle* “Now wet’s pway!”

“Oh, I wanna buiwd a snowman!” *Giggle* Claire said

I spent the entire morning toddling around in the snow with my sisters. We build snowmen and threw snowballs and rolled around in the snow. I ate lots of snow too, that made me feel super silly and happy.

Playing with my sisters made me feel so excited that I had lots more accidents in my diapey! When Ally called us back in for a break, I had a really mushy tushy.

Emma and Ally pulled off our snow pants as we stepped inside. I giggled at the sight of Claire and Nicole’s drooping diapeys. We’d all made big oopsies in them!

“All right you silly sissies, which one of you is getting her diaper changed first?” Mommy Ally asked, lying out three changing mats.

I lay back on the third mat and stuck my thumb in my mouth while Mommy Emma and Mommy Ally changed Nicole and Claire’s messy diapeys. I loved sucking my thumb! It was really, really relaxing.

Mommy Ally came to change my diapey once she was done with Claire. When she slid the new diapey under my butt, I noticed it was super cushy. I giggled.

“Do you like your new mega thick diaper?” Mommy Ally asked me, sprinkling powder onto my butt and taping my diapey shut “It’s made for super silly sissies who are too silly to try potty training.”

*Giggle* “Poddy twainin’ is dumb!” *Giggle* I giggledMy legs were spread wide because of how thick my new diapey was. I tried to stand up but quickly lost my balance and fell back down. I had to crawl around on all fours with my massive diapey sticking out of my dwess. Claire and Nicole were having the same problem with their new diapeys.

*Giggle* “I cawn bawey walk in dis diapey!” I said “I gots ta cwawl on da floor wike a baby!”

“I wike id!” *Giggle* Claire giggled

*Giggle* “Me too!” Nicole said

“Yeah, wakin’ is stoopid!” *Giggle* I agreed

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something seemed off about it, but I couldn’t really think. What was it…?

Faart! Claire broke out giggling and looked at her diapey.

“Uh-oh, I think our sissies need to go!” Ally said “Good thing we put them in such thick diapers right?”

*Giggle* “I poo-poo in my diapey!” *Giggle* *Giggle* Claire announced.

Splort! Nicole began shaking with laughter as she pushed a stinky into her diapey. Mommy Emma turned to me.

“Well Jackie, do you need to go potty too?”

*Giggle* “I’ve got to” *Giggle* “make a big” *Giggle* “giant” *Giggle* “oopsie” *Giggle* *Giggle* “diapey…” *Giggle*

Braap! I was lying on the floor I was giggling so hard as I made a mushy, stinky mess in my diapey. Whatever I’d been thinking about, it probably wasn’t important. I had so many silly sissy thoughts every day, it wasn’t worth thinking too hard about any one of them. I giggled with Nicole and Claire as we helplessly made poopsies in our diapeys like the good sissies we were.


(There will be a part two for this book but I am not sure if I want to use the same characters or put more and the main characters turn the new ones into babies like them and if you like this book please like,comment, and vote)

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