Chapter 7

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It was odd, the one thing I still took for granted at that point was that despite the fact that Claire, Nicole and I were all wetting our diapers without resistance, I still thought the incontinence wouldn’t worsen. We still used the toilet for pooping after all, and Emma and Ally sometimes asked us if we needed to poop as though they were trying to prevent us from making a mess in our diapers. I don’t know why I bothered hoping that the diaper powder wouldn’t take that away.

It was almost two weeks in. The blizzard was still going as strong as ever. Nicole and Claire were building a pillow fort in the living room. Pillow forts was one of the few activities that I really didn’t mind doing with them since I could just lie on the ground while they stacked pillows around me. I’d taken to ‘accidentally’ knocking some down every few minutes to prolong it since I knew as soon as Claire and Nicole finished they’d want to put makeup on me or play house or some other activity I really didn’t want to do. I kind of felt bad about doing it, but with their almost infantile minds, Nicole and Claire didn’t care.

Maybe ten minutes in though. Nicole suddenly froze, a pillow in her hands. I looked at her curiously. Usually she was a nonstop bundle of play and fun, for her to stand still for even a moment was strange. Then, slowly, she bent her knees and squatted.

She didn’t seem to recognize or understand what she was doing, just that she was more comfortable squatting. Nicole grunted. There was a soft fart and her diaper drooped. Except it wasn’t in the front this time. It was in the back.

“Uh, Nicole?” I asked

“Hmm?” Nicole asked

“Your diaper… did you just, um, use it?”

“Why do you think we’re wearing diapeys? Because they look absolutely adorable?” Nicole giggled

“No, I’m not talking about wetting!” I said “Did you just, uh… poop?”

“Poopy?” Nicole asked in confusion. She patted her diaper. Then her face broke out into a grin.

“Hey I did poopy!” She giggled “Oopsie!”

“What happened?” Claire asked

“I poopied myself!” Nicole giggled. Claire broke out into a fit of giggles with her. I groaned. This wasn’t the reaction I’d been hoping for.

“Don’t you see?” I asked “You just pooped your diaper! Like you’re a two year old baby!”

“Yep!” Nicole giggled

“Doesn’t that gross you out?” I said, trying desperately to get a normal response “You’re wearing a diaper with stinky, icky poop in it!”

“It feels warm and squishy!” Nicole giggled

“What are you giggling about?” Emma asked, walking up to us. I was pretty sure she’d seen the whole thing. Emma and Ally had begun to keep a really close eye on us in the past few days, like we couldn’t be trusted with anything. That would create a problem for an escape attempt.

“I poopied myself Mommy!” Nicole said proudly

“Good girl!” Emma praised, pulling back the waistband of her diaper “You made a nice big mess for Mommy didn’t you?”

“Yep!” Nicole said

I gave up.

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