Chapter 10

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Iquickly realized certain things just made me super giggly. Farts and pooping were a big one, as was peeing which meant I could no longer subtly wet myself since I’d burst into a fit of giggles every time that happened. Nicole and Claire both had to tell everyone when they were peeing too, so I giggled then too. The color pink was another trigger. So was getting dressed or putting makeup on. So was seeing, feeling, or mentioning diapers. And whenever Claire or Nicole began giggling, I had to giggle along, even if I had no idea what they were giggling about. I pretty much was forced to giggle nonstop.

Eventually I stopped trying to hold it in. That just made me gigglier. I had to just accept the giggles along with all the other transformations that were happening. Like my new tendency to occasionally blurt out the most childish things about my diaper or dress. Or my turning into a girl.

Two weeks in, my breasts were now massive double D jiggly bulges on my chest. Even when I wore the largest bra sizes in the closet, I more than filled them out and always had a good deal of cleavage showing. My crotch was fully feminine too, my penis had shriveled until it became a little bump that I knew had to be a clitoris.

I was forced to concede utter defeat on the physical front. There was no denying that I was now a diaper dependent girl. I rarely even felt it coming anymore when I pooped and my body could have been that of a model. Logically I guessed that if the transformation continued, it would be mental. I wasn’t terribly against the idea of waking up one day as a giggly girl like Nicole or Claire since they seemed happy. Come to think of it, how long had it been since they were Nick and Clark? I could barely imagine them as anything besides giggling sissies.

My one hope was that the blizzard would finally let up, but after two weeks without stopping, I was beginning to think it was going to keep us trapped forever. I knew the diaper powder would probably break my resistance eventually if I consumed much more of it. If that was the case, well, at least there seemed to be an endless supply of diapers in the house.

Finally, one day almost two and a half weeks after coming to the house I woke up with bright light in my face. Disoriented, I tried to brush it away but that didn’t do anything.

“Jackie! Claire! Wake up!” *Giggle* Nicole’s high pitched voice said. A pillow flew in my face.

“Huh?” I asked, lifting it up

*Giggle* “Wow!” Claire’s voice said

I untangled myself from my sheets and tried to figure out what was going on. Nicole and Claire were at the window, light was shining through onto my bed. Wait, light? Sunlight?

I leapt out of bed and toddled over as fast as I could in my thick diaper.

“Sunlight!” *Giggle* I giggled. At last the blizzard had gone! I was free!

“Do our sissies want to play in the snow today?” Ally asked, walking into our room

*Giggle* “Yes!” I said in perfect unison with Claire and Nicole

Emma and Ally helped me out of my sleeper and changed my diaper. I had long grown used to the morning routine. I hadn’t woken up dry in two weeks and while being dressed was annoying, there was no point in resisting because the girls could easily overpower me.

Today was a little different though. Instead of putting me in a poofy pink dress like I had been for the past few weeks, Emma brought out three snow jackets and pairs of snow pants. They were still hot pink and the snow pants were very roomy in the crotch so our diapers would fit, but it was still a relief to finally not have to wear the most babyish thing on the planet.

Emma handed us three baby bottles for breakfast while Ally worked at putting our hair in pigtails. That had been the latest change. Emmy and Ally had never trusted us enough to handle cups, but they had always given us semi-solid food with our baby bottles. But now we were only getting baby bottles to suckle on. I hated it, knowing that every time I ate I was filling my stomach with what was pretty much diaper powder and water but it wasn’t like I had a choice in the matter.

Today I freely suckled though. Today we’d be able to leave and after two or three hours in the car I was confident that my friends would begin to come out of their stupor. Nicole and Claire giggled in excitement and for once I genuinely giggled with them.

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