Chapter 8

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Claire pooped or ‘went poo-poo’ as she called it about a day after Nicole’s first messing. They were still fully potty trained, but mentally the idea of going anywhere except their diapers didn’t even occur to them. Me, I was able to resist that part, but there was a physical regression that came along with it that even I wasn’t immune to.

The amount of warning time I got that I needed to poop began to drop like a rock. I’d just be sitting there when all of a sudden my bowels would start screaming that they needed to go. I had to make a mad dash for the potty, waddling in my thick diaper as fast as I could to the bathroom. At first it was just kind of annoying, but within a couple days my control was down to the point where by the time my bowels told me I had to go, I had about a minute before it was coming out, regardless of if I was on the potty or not.

I actually managed to avoid pooping my diaper for almost three days while Claire and Nicole stopped bothering with the toilet altogether. By just before dinnertime on the third day, Nicole stood up, took one halfhearted step towards the bathroom before giving up and letting loose in her diaper. She snickered while Ally checked her diaper and then laid her on the kitchen floor to change her.

“I poopied!” She announced loudly, much to everyone’s amusement except mine

“All right, dinner time!” Emma said and everyone ran to the table. I looked into at my bowl to see what unappetizing thing I was being served this time. Since around the time Nicole messed herself, Emma had begun preparing separate meals, one for her and Ally, and a noticeably more childish one for the ‘sissies.’ The food had been bad enough to eat when I knew I was filling my stomach with diaper powder every time, the fact that I was being forced to eat bland things like chicken nuggets and mac n’ cheese just made things worse.

But today was a step down from even that. My dinner was a bowl of orange mush. Emma fastened a bib around my neck while I checked Claire and Nicole’s bowls. They had the same thing.

“Um, I’m supposed to eat that?” I asked “It looks like baby food.”

“It is baby food.” Emma said “You’re a baby sissy.”

“And what am I supposed to eat it with?” I asked, noticing that there wasn’t any silverware at my place

“You have hands don’t you?” Emma asked

I stared at the mush.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I said

“I could heat up a bottle for you if you’d prefer.”

I shook my head and sat at the table. Sitting down seemed to loosen my bowels and suddenly I felt the urge to go.

“I’ve got to go.” I said, quickly standing up from the table. Emma caught my arm and pulled me back.

“Hang on, where are you going?” She asked

“I need to poop.” I said and when I got a confused look I added “You know, I’m going to the bathroom.”

Emma laughed

“Silly Jackie, sissies don’t use the potty!” Emma chided, patting my well-padded behind “What do you think your wear diapers for?”

My heart stopped. They had laughed at me for going to the bathroom to poop, but they’d never prevented me from going before!

“N-no!” I said, tugging and trying to get away “I don’t want to poop my diaper!”

Everyone burst out laughing.

“Aww, you’re a funny silly sissy!” Ally laughed

Blaaart! My butt cheeks rumbled. I’d waited too long! A weight dropped into my diaper.

“Oh, she’s making a poo-poo!” Claire said

“No!” I said, fighting to regain control but I’d already lost. Pfft! I could only stand there, powerless to do anything as I farted and filled my diaper. Emma giggled and pushed her hand into the seat of my diaper and mushed my mess around to emphasize what I’d done.

“Now do you think you can make it to the bathroom?” She asked

“I would have…” I muttered, though I knew logic wouldn’t work with them

“You just made a big poopy in your diapey!” Nicole giggled

“Now don’t be too hard on your sister.” Ally said “You’re just as diapered as she is for a reason.”

Braap! Everyone looked to where the noise was coming from. Claire giggled.

“Oops…” She said, looking down at herself “I guess I needed to poo-poo too!”

There was another round of giggling. I waved my hand in Emma’s face to get her attention.

“Great, you got me to use my diaper. Now change me.”

“I’ll change you after dinner.” Emma giggled, pulling me back into my chair. I sat in my messy diaper with a squish.

“What? You mean you’re going to make me wait?” I asked

“Of course.” Emma said “Sissies don’t care if they’re poopy or not.”

“But I… forget it.” I said, knowing that I couldn’t fight that logic. I sat in my diaper and tried to ignore the mess sliming against my butt. Across the table from me, Claire and Nicole already had baby food all over their faces and bibs. With as much dignity as I could, I stuck my hands in my baby food and began eating.

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