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I fiddled with my fingers as Alex continued to scold me

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I fiddled with my fingers as Alex continued to scold me. I had gotten needy throughout the day, Alex got a call to stay home for the day since the weather had gotten really bad and a dangerous storm passed through the city. Alex doesn't like storms, she likes really sunny weather; she gets moody when it's storming. I love storms, I like hearing far away thunder but when it gets really loud and really close it can scare me. During dreary weather like this, I get really happy and hyper.

Naturally, I was excited to spend the day with Alex. Although, the longer the storm lasted, the easier it was to upset her. She had first gotten upset whenever I interrupted her watching her show. So instead I got a book and read next to her while she continued watching New Girl. Then, the power started getting choppy and eventually turned off, which meant she couldn't watch her show. She got annoyed when I suggested that she read with me. Surprisingly the power came back on and she went back to watching her show.

I made lunch for us with my minimal cooking skills but thankfully it cheered her up and we decided to watch a movie and play board games until dinner time. We decided upon a spaghetti dinner with red wine; I'm only 19, but Alex is 21 and buys liquor often.

I helped her prepare the spaghetti, measuring out ingredients for the sauce we were making and putting them in small dishes to later mix. It took around half an hour for us to finish. Alex went to go set the table while I portioned out the food and organized it into large bowls so that we could help ourselves at the table.

I smiled as I set the bowls down in the center of the table next to some lit candles. It was like unofficial date night! We don't usually go on dates ever so it was special for me.

"Can you go get the Merlot angel?" Alex had asked as she took a seat.

"Of course." I replied and walked back into the kitchen to fetch the open bottle of wine that Alex had started about two days ago.

I wasn't paying attention, I was excited to have a nice dinner. I didn't think anything could go wrong at that point.

My foot had gotten caught under the rug that was neatly placed under the dining table and I gasped as my body fell forwards. The bottle slipped out of my hands and hit the edge of a chair causing it to shatter before me.

I cover my mouth as I watched the wine drip onto the rug that Alex had had forever.

"Zero!" Alex jumped up from her chair and looked down at me as I sat on the floor helplessly.

That's about where I'm at right now.

"Look at this mess! That bottle was $50 and I had barely started it!" She screamed.

I let go of my own hands and looked desperately at the mix of liquid and glass on the floor.

"I-I didn't mean to, I can fix it! It'll be fine we can-"

Alex interrupted me, "Forget it. Can't I have just one night where you don't screw anything up?" She snapped, taking one more look at me before turning on her heels towards the hallway.

"I'll eat later. Don't bother me." She instructed and slammed our door shut after she entered our room.

I blinked back tears as I gathered up the large shards of glass in my hands to throw away. My knees shook as I stood. I tossed the glass into the trash can and got a Tupperware, filling it with a mix of water and cleaning products. I brought it along with a rag and some paper towels back to dinner table and got down on the floor to begin trying to save the rug.

I used the paper towels to soak up the wind that hadn't seeped into the fibers yet, then dunked the rag into my cleaning solution and began to scrub.

I hissed as I felt a sting on my hand. I quickly lifted it up to examine it. I must've left some glass pieces because one had cut through my palm and sat snug between my skin. Finally, tears began to fall down my cheeks and I got up to go clean my hand. With shaky fingers I tore out the piece of glass and threw it away with the others. Then, I rinsed my palm off in the sink and went to the bathroom to get bandages and wrap it up. It was bleeding a lot, and hurt like hell but I still needed to get back to the rug before the stain set in; so, that's what I did.

After 20 or so minutes the rug looked back to normal and I got a hand vacuum to get the smaller pieces of glass out. I set some paper towels on top of it to try and soak up all the chemicals while I put the spaghetti and sauce into separate containers to place in the fridge. I had lost my appetite.

I made sure everything looked spotless before trudging to the couch, grabbing a blanket on my way there. Slowly, I climbed onto the cushions and threw the blanket over me, letting it drift over my frame. Holding onto a pillow, I closed my eyes and let sleep overcome me.


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