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What am I to do? I thought while lying restlessly on the small, yet comfortable, couch

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What am I to do? I thought while lying restlessly on the small, yet comfortable, couch.

I felt so miserable- and so angry at myself for feeling miserable. I wanted to stand up, brush off my shoulders and go watch the rest of the show like a normal person. But anytime I sat up and began to stand, the world spun around me and my legs trembled.

"Do you have any idea why you're feeling this way?" Maggie asked as she brought me another glass of iced water.

"No." I lied, taking the glass and muttering my thanks.

"Could it be something you ate?" She asked, "What did you eat last- when did you eat last? Or maybe anxiety, could it be that?" She continued to question.

I only shifted in my place on the couch, groaning slightly as my stomach twisted inside of me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be asking all of this now. Once the show is over we'll get you back to the hotel so you can get some proper rest." She said, offering a sympathetic smile before pacing around the room once more.

"Will you be okay if I leave for a few minutes? The show will be over by then. I just need to let everyone know that we'll have to leave quickly." Maggie explained.

I gave a nod and she rushed out of the door. It was nice to see how much she cared, but it seemed she cared more about my health than I did. The poor woman is so used to being a mother.

I smiled at my own thoughts before sipping at the cool water, listening to the ice cubes collide against the glass. My thoughts seemed to quiet for a moment. It was nice. It happened so quick, but as if it was in slow motion.

I forgot to put the mesh pads on when I wrapped my hand.


As if all of my sickness had left my body, I stood up and set my glass of water down before heading to the counter where the medical supplies were. I took a few glances at Billie's laptop, but once I felt my stomach begin to cramp with anxiety I looked away. I slid out the thin white mesh pads from the medical bag and carefully unwrapped my hand. It hadn't bled much since I wrapped it earlier so it was easy to take off.

Just as I lifted the mesh to my hand, screams echoed out from the audience through the hallways and Billie's outro music came on. I gulped; my knees felt weak almost immediately, my throat went dry and my hands began to shake.

The mesh fell from my fingers and I struggled to pick it back up without moving my wrist, which was secured in the brace I was wearing. Once I got it successfully on my wound, I lightly patted it down and picked up the wrappings. My mind went blank, I didn't know where to start to wrap it up quickly.

How did I do this with only one hand?

Go faster. Faster. Faster!

I wasn't sure how long I was taking, but it was obvious I was struggling to make good time. I positioned one end of the long ribbon on top of the mesh, then moved it to my wrist, then between my fingers so I could hold onto it. I wrapped it across my fingers, between my thumb and my index finger, then down and around my wrist. I hadn't even covered my wound yet. I undid the part around my wrist and wrapped it around my wound and back to my thumb and index. Then, I wrapped it around my wrist and back up over my wound, again, and again, and again, until it seemed somewhat secure. I tucked in the pieces that stuck out and rushed to clean up.

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