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Merlin hated his life at times. Not that it was something new that things tend to happen, but this took the cake. It was just the tip of the iceberg that there was an attack in Camelot. It was just a week after Arthur started to be king and started to think about magic and ask others how they felt about this all.

Merlin did try of course to help, but as always he managed to get overwhelmed and hit by an unknown spell. This spell was for sure a curse and Merlin cursed his luck. The reason why he believed that this was a curse was because how people did not seem to see him. Not even his father figure.

Even as he called out for him. Worse was that he was not really able to touch anything. The only thing that he realized that he was able to do was use his magic to do the chores that he knew Arthur would want him to do. It was quite amusing seeing the confusion of the prat.

"I cannot believe that the dumbass is still not figuring this out." He mused as this was after all the third day.

Merlin felt worse each day as he could do nothing. There was no touch, no smell or taste, and neither did he feel any hunger or thirst. Neither did he feel any exhaustion either. It was as if he was a ghost, but Merlin knew that he was not as his body had not been at the place where he was standing there.

It was terrible that he had no stimuli. The thing that he missed the most was the touch of any of his friends. At least he knew that they worried and even Arthur clearly was worried sickly for him. To the point that even his mother was there. Making this not better and making this so much worse. Merlin wished he could tell her that he was there. One thing Merlin was certain about was that his king will for sure be even more protective as soon as the clotpole realizes that he was there.




It has been a week since then. A whole week and Merlin had not figured things out how to fix it yet, even as he was using his magic to read books. Gaius clearly seemed to pick up someone bringing the herbs that he knew were needed.

Merlin did not even need to sleep. It was for sure helpful to do the things that are needed, but still, it annoyed him to no end that not even Gaius had seemed to figure out that it was him. Yet it was clear something was going on in Camelot. People pointed out that this place had a ghost.

Then Mordred appeared and he cursed under his breath. It was not even someone that he wanted yet to deal with. The concern about the other starting to harm Arthur was genuine. How could he not, when the sorcerer was still out there?

Merlin had yet to find that person and that caused him even more stress. Heck, even Morgana appeared and he yelled at Arthur for being an idiot to believe the two. But then there was a vow given that neither are here to harm Arthur as well as the people of Camelot and he stood there with his mind blanking.

"What will happen when you intentionally break your vow?"

The two questioned people had a silent conversation for sure on their minds before Mordred answered.

"We either would lose our magic or would die. Depends on the severity."

This bought him out of this and he swallowed not expecting the two to go that far. It seemed that at least now he did not need to worry too much for Arthur. Yet Merlin wished he could cry, but in this state of his curse, he could not do this.

"So ghost issues?" Morgana teased and he chuckled at the expression of Arthur.

It was clear that the man did not believe in ghosts and he found it amusing how startling this was for the king. Clearly even with how he wrote small messages about how the prat was an idiot or how he should not eat too much, or else it might make him thick, clearly was still not believable.

"You know Arthur, you're being too stubborn for your own good." Gwaine pointed out with a smirk and made him snort again.

"What does that even mean?"

"What Gwaine wants to tell you is that maybe this is Merlin." This time it was Lancelot who said this and he groaned.

This was not the first time since this week that they argued about this. Yet Arthur still seemed not to be able to believe. Even when he would write it, it would just be ignored. A thing that kinda hurt him. He did not like this at all and felt underappreciated. Of course, Merlin knew that Arthur did not realize that it was him, but still hurt him. Merlin was pretty sure that the prat things that this is just someone messing with him. Maybe Arthur also was in denial, which would not be something surprising to him. 

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now