Flowers and Rabits

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Merlin loves to take care of the garden in his house. It was the only thing that reminded him of his Father who ended up dying. He had promised him that he would take care of the garden and that was what he was going to do. He always had been amazing with plants and animals almost as if he had some magic in him.

Not that he had but it was something that everyone knew him from. Merlin knew that people asked him many times how he could be able to get his garden looking out of this world. Or also how he could make any animal listen and love him. A thing that he always shrugged and Gwaine his best friend was teasing him relentlessly about this. The same was done by Will, who was the roommate of Gwaine, who brings his almost dead plant to him -whenever he has a new plant-and Merlin has to try to rescue the poor thing.

Merlin had no idea how they do this, but they always end up almost killing the plant. It was something that he never could understand and was kind of amusing. He always takes the plant and tries to rescue them out of pity and exasperation.

Either way, he knew how to take care of any plants and animals, it was also why people often came to him and it was his income. But something had happened in the past few weeks, he had at his little clover patch a little bit of greenery shown that it had been at parts eaten. At least this looks like it.

This was what he assumed and he pondered what animal was eating his plant. It was nothing too bad yet, but he rather would not have his clover plant start getting sick. His brows furrowed as he saw another spot looking nibbled at. He knew that he would have to figure this out, but how?

A sigh overcome him and soon his gaze wandered over to his clover plant to see a bunny. The bunny was for sure a young one. It was not an adult yet and adorable with his black ears and some black spots. Yet the rest was white and they looked fluffy.

But this made him question where they came from. This was why he slowly went over to the clover plant and then sat there pondering how he could find out who this cutie belonged to. His gaze stayed on the bunny which was eating his clover plant. It explained many things why his clover plant looked nibbled at.

So he slowly picked up the small bunny and at first they tensed but soon relaxed and he smiled softly at this. God this little bean was adorable and he grinned down. Then he saw the neighbor coming and looking around and he dreaded this. Arthur Pendragon was the biggest prat that he had ever met, yet weirdly enough they had a friendship.

Merlin though had a bit of feelings towards the other and he had so far never been able to tell Arthur. Not because of him being shy no, because he always assumed that he was straight. After all, so far his dates had never been males. At least not to his knowledge and so he never told him this.

"Of course, the little bugger went to you, Merlin."

He chuckled as looking down at the bunny who gave a blank stare at their owner for sure.

"So he's your's then?"

"Yup, always wondered where he got, but guess he enjoyed your plants." It was snickered at the end and he pouted at the thought of his poor plant.

"Don't, the poor plant got nibbled on by your pet." He pouted and Arthur blinked before giving him a sheepish look.

"Sorry, but my snow kind of loves eating."

He mused and let out a sigh glancing down at the now-known snow who had by now fallen asleep.

"He's cute, so..." Merlin trailed off and felt like a fool for not being able to say anything else.

"Want to go on a date?" Was what he next blurted out after the silence got too much and he was horrified.

Arthur on the other hand blinked and a slight pink hue was on his cheeks, why Merlin could not figure it out.

"Uh, why not. Planned on asking you but had not been sure that you were anything else than straight."

He could not help but feel excited at this. His crush clearly liked him enough to go on a date with him. Even when he was an utter bloody clotpole at times, he still could not stop himself from liking the git.

"Awesome, I am glad to see that you are not straight because this would have been really awkward," Merlin muttered awkwardly and Arthur snorted making his cheeks start to heat up.

"True, well I will message you on what time and where." Arthur sounded excited and made him grin widely at this.

He carefully then gave the bunny back to their owner and then Arthur went back inside. Merlin watched him walk away and he felt giddy. He could not wait to tell Gwaine and Will about this, even when they will tease the living hell out of him.  As the two always had known that he was falling hard for Arthur.

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now