Chapter 10 - Finally Safe

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I led Springtrap out into the living room, as he followed close behind with the plate of pancakes he had made. 

I sat down on the couch as Springtrap took a seat beside me. He really weighed the old creaky couch down, seeing as he was a 7ft golden robot rabbit, but I didn't mind, I was just happy to have someone who was willing to want to hang out with me, even if they did break into my house to do so. 

I chuckled at the though of Springtrap just casually making his way down to my place only to sneak his way into my house to see me. 

Springtrap noticed my subtle chuckle and turned to look at me, handing me the plate of pancakes as he did. "What's so funny?" He asked with a soft and heart warming smile.

I shook my head with a smile. "It's nothing." I replied, looking up into his bright, shimmering purple eyes. 

I could feel my face heating up again. He had such kind eyes for being a undead child murderer. 

I covered my face, after I realized his expression had changed to a smirk, so he must of seen my face turning red the longer I looked at him. 

"Uh, anyways, what did you wanna watch?" I asked, grabbing the tv remote off the coffee table in front of us. 

Springtrap responded. "Anything's fine with me." 

"Oh, okay." I said, as I began scrolling through the available channels. 

After some time of scrolling I realized I wasn't gonna be able to find anything on cable, so I opted to look for a DVD to watch instead. "Sorry, there's never usually anything good on this tv, let me find a DVD instead." I sat up, setting my pancakes down beside me and getting up to look through the movies that were piled up on the tv stand. 

As I looked through them I suddenly stopped at one movie, it was my favorite movie from my childhood. Beauty and the Beast.

"Ooh how bout this one?" I said, turning back towards Springtrap with the case in my hand. 

"Beauty and the Beast? I've never seen it, I never found myself interested in Disney movies, but it sounds like it could be fun." Springtrap answered with a soft smile.

"Well then that settles it, we'll watch this!" I said excitedly, as I took my seat back beside Springtrap on the couch, after popping the movie in. 

I grabbed my pancakes and finally began eating them, now that we had settled on a movie.

As the movie started I turned to Springtrap. "How do you know how to cook so well, what were you a baker or something before you became a child murderer." I chuckled, as I continued to eat.

Springtrap let out a light chuckle as well. "No, actually I did a lot of cooking and baking as a distraction from my life. When things weren't going well I'd just make something to distract myself. It was kind of like my way of coping with my problems, of course I couldn't keep up the act for long obviously, now look where I've ended up." His smile began to fade into a frown. "I'm not a very good person Y/N. I did bad things. I hurt a lot of people, because I couldn't just keep my problems to myself, I had to drag others down with me. I-"

I stopped him by putting my hand on his shoulder. "Springtrap, you're not a bad person. You did some bad things, yes, I'll give you that, but you're trying to change, and that's all that matters to me. You don't scare me, if that's what you think. Well you don't anymore, of course I was hella freaked out the first time we met, but that was then, and this is now. You don't need to worry anymore Springtrap. Even in your worst of times, I'll be there." 

Springtrap and I locked eyes once more. I could tell he wasn't sure what to say, so instead of letting him reply, I just wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. "It'll be okay." I said.

Springtrap responded by wrapping his arms around me too. It was like hugging a bear, but not the type of bear that would kill you without hesitation, but the kind of bear that you could trust with your life, even when at your worst. 

I had never felt this feeling before. The only way I could describe it was the feeling of finally being safe. 


A Second Chance (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Where stories live. Discover now