Untitled Part 1

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One morning, in sunny L.A. The masses were walking on the sidewalks, driving on their streets, and unsuspecting to the danger that would soon occur. There was a suspicious black van in the alley towards the Wilshire Federal building, and after a minute a bald man with a scrawny beard came out in a janitor's uniform where he dropped a cell phone. The bald man gets back into the van, and soon after it speeds off, leaving behind a smoke of dust and tire tracks. Minutes later, windows burst out in the building and a fire followed it just as smoke filled the sky up. People all around were screaming in fear and panic.

The NCIS team is just coming in for the day and they are all at their desks having morning jokes before Deeks comes in with his daughter, Dani. The group curiously looked and listened to the father and daughter bickering.

"For the last time Dani, no it's not happening. Not now, not ever" Deeks told his daughter.

"But why dad?" Dani whined.

"Well for starters, I'm your dad and I said no, so you're supposed to listen to me. Second, you're too young,".

"I am not too young," Dani responded. She was furious at her father for refusing her this one thing.

"Yeah but you are sweetheart. 16 is still young"

"Alright what are you two going on about?" Callen asked, not wanting to hear more arguing.

"My dad said I can't help with a case and I really want to. Explain to him that I can do this!" Dani pleaded.

"Sorry D, but I agree with your dad. The cases we work are way too dangerous for a kid like you"

"Uncle Sam, wouldn't you let your daughter work a case with you?" Dani then turned to Sam. She needed to make them understand that she wasn't a little kid anymore, and she can handle this.

"Oh no. I make sure she always stays away from stuff like this" Sam stepped out of the fight. Last thing he needed on his hand was to be pulled into family matters.

"It's not like I wanna do the action stuff you do. Maybe I can help with interviews or interrogations, that kind of stuff," Dani said.

"The answer is still no, Dani," Deeks said.

"But dad," Dani whined again

"No buts Dani. I said no and that's final"

"Fine". Dani said in defeat, a tinge of anger in her voice.

Deeks saw how glum his daughter looked but he refused to put her in harm's way. He showed her some sympathy. "Listen Dani, I don't want to see you hurt or in danger because of me, alright. This job is dangerous enough and if you get involved... I don't know what I would do if I lost you too" Deeks confided.

Before Dani could say anything, Eric was at the top of the steps and did his signature whistle getting the team's attention. "We got a case".

The team then went up the stairs and Dani tried to follow but Deeks stopped her,"Oh no you go back to my desk and wait"

"Fine," Dani then went back to her father's desk while the team went up to the Ops center.

"That was a bit harsh, Deeks". Callen later told Deeks.

"I didn't mean to sound like that, but she has to understand. She can't get involved with cases like this. They are way too dangerous and I don't want her in the crossfire if things go south. If anything were to ever happen to her, I don't know if I can pull myself out of bed in the morning," Deeks said.

"You do what you have to do to protect her". Kensi added in.

"Deeks take it from a guy like me who has a daughter, you'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. What you did is totally justified" Sam supported Deeks.

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