Untitled Part 9

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 Sam and Callen tracked Seth to his mother's house, the two partners were heading to the front door and heard a loud scream coming from inside. Pulling their guns Sam went first and kicked the door in, Seth was crying as he found the dead bodies of his mother and older brother. Hearing footsteps he quickly bolted thinking it was someone from his group, the two started chasing him.

"Seth! Seth, stop running!" Callen called after him.

"Seth, we're here to help!" Sam called next.

Eventually the teen boy stopped, his body shook and trembled. He cautiously looked at the two men. "H-how do you know my name?"

"We're friends of Dani's father. Dani's our niece" Sam spoke, lowering his weapon.

"I...I didn't kill my mom and brother. They did"

"Seth, come with us and we can help you," Callen told the teen boy.

"No. No I can't. I have to get to my dad and we gotta get outta here"

"Dani needs your help too"

That made the teen boy freeze. "Wha-what? What happened to her?"

"She snuck out and got kidnapped by these guys. She was dedicated to helping you, she went to the factory where she saw you before and got caught. They kidnapped and strapped a bomb to her. Dani needs you to help her" Callen explained.

"I-I don't know..."

When those words had left the teen's mouth, Callen had walked over a sharp glare in his eyes. He didn't have a family growing up or for most of his adult life. His team was his family and he protected all of them.

"Dani risked everything- her life because she cares about you. She loves you. If any part of you has an ounce of decency, if you love her, care for her, you would do anything to help her. I get you're scared, but so is Dani. She put herself in harm's way to help you out. Return the favor and help her" His voice was sharp and firm.

The teen swallowed hard. "What do you want me to do?"


Deeks was benched and taken off the case, he was in the Ops center and kept having Eric play the video of his daughter and just freeze it on her image. Kensi and the two techs saw how bad this was torturing with the detective liaison.

"Deeks you don't have to torture yourself like this, Dani wouldn't want you to do this" Kensi consoled him.

"If I had just been watching her better. Making any and all safety precautions. Kens, she's out there alone, scared, and possibly without her inhaler" His voice trembled, he couldn't stop his lip from quivering. "What if...what if I lose my little girl too?"

"None of us will let that happen. I promise"

"I should have quit the force when Grace died but I couldn't. I had to support Dani somehow and I love my job and career. But I love my daughter more"

"Dani is one of the bravest and strongest people I've met. She's so much like you"

"The kid is more like her mother" He muttered, sniffing back tears.

Before Kensi could comfort her partner again Eric quietly called her over, Nell had gone to comfort the detective. Kensi looked at Eric.

"You got something Eric?" Kensi asked quietly.

"I managed to get a facial rec from one of the bombers" The tech showed her the file. "Meet, Valentine Walker. Ex Marine, got dishonorably discharged in 2004 for disorderly conduct, money laundering, he was investigated by the Marines on the suspicion he was selling Military weapons and secrets. Before the investigation could even start he went AWOL. It was like he disappeared and then resurfaced in LA under an assumed name. He tried to get a job with the LAPD but he didn't pass the psych background. They put in the notes he was too much of a loose cannon, he was never able to fully control himself. 2 weeks after he got rejected he threatened the department saying he'd blow it straight to hell"

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