Untitled Part 10

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"Are you sure about this Mr. Deeks?" Hetty asked, the detective liaison of his decision.

"I'm sure Hetty, I have to do what's best for me and Dani" Deeks told the shorter woman. "After the case, I'm done"

"If that is your choice, I can't stop you. I just want to think on it before you make any rash decisions"

"I think I already made my decision. There's been too many close calls, not only with me but this. I can't do it again"

"That is your choice I can't change your mind"

Deeks had gone outside needing some air, when he stepped outside he kept pacing going out of his head with worry. His phone rang breaking him from his thoughts, he hadn't bothered looking at the caller ID.

He rubbed his eyes and answered. "Detective Deeks"

"Hello Detective, I'm sure you can guess and say I have something that belongs to you"

The detective woke up, gripping his phone. "Where's my daughter?"

"And why would I tell you?"

"Where is she?!"

There was a brief pause before there was a sob on the phone that made the detective's go blood cold as ice, his heart stopped. He felt his hand grip the phone tighter, so tight he could have broken the device. He let out a shuddering breath that almost sounded like a sob.

"D...Da...Daddy.." Came Dani's weak voice. "Help me daddy"

He swallowed hard, a lump in his throat forming. "Are you ok baby? Where are you?"

"D-dark...so dark" Dani had been gasping for breath, she almost sounded like she was wheezing.

The dirty blonde man tugged his shaggy hair. His daughter was struggling to breath, she needed her inhaler and soon. Without it she could die. He tightened the grip on his phone.

"Where are you sweetheart? Can you tell me anything about where you are?"

Before Dani could say anything it sounded like a struggle till the man's voice came on. "If you want your daughter back, you come alone or you'll never see her again, come to the old abandoned factory on the docks. Number 31. Come at midnight, I see anyone else Dani dies. Your call detective"

Before the phone went out and Deeks could say anything there was a cry. "Daddy...Daddy...help me...Daddy!"

"Dani! Dani!" The phone had then been cut off. "Dani! Dammit!"

Checking his watch, it was reaching just about 6 in the evening. This was just about the longest day of his life and it seemed as if it was only getting longer. He had nearly 6 hours to come up with a plan or his daughter was going to die. He couldn't tell the others without endangering his daughter. He had no idea what he was going to do but he sure as hell was going to get his daughter back, even if it cost him his own life.


Kensi had gone to the boat shed and informed her two other partners about Walker. Eric had sent them the address to his house and the three agents had taken off to the house.

"You think Walker would keep Dani at the house?" Kensi asked.

"A man like Walker, he knows that would be the obvious choice to hide her. A man like him with a Military background, slight police training and he's possibly psychotic but he's smart" Sam started. "He wants to torture Deeks. He feels Deeks didn't fight hard enough to get him in the department and he wanted him to pay and how do you get a man like Deeks to suffer?"

"You hit a low point any man has. Using his child, Walker gets Dani. He can torture Deeks and get him to do what he wants" Callen continued. "Seth did say they have an abandoned factory on the docks, it'll be too big to search. Hopefully Eric and Nell can narrow it down"

"But how would Walker find out about Dani? Deeks never talks about his personal life. He never told us at first" Kensi commented.

"Let's see if he's home and we'll question him"

The three agents had gone to the house pulling their weapons. Sam and Callen took the front and Kensi took the back. The blonde agent took the right side of the door while the former Seal took the left side.

"Valentine Walker! NCIS!" Called shouted.

Silence. No answer. Callen silently counted and gave the nod at his partner Sam took his position and kicked the door in breaking it to pieces.

"NCIS! Walker!" Sam shouted.

Callen and Sam began searching around as Kensi searched the back. The house was dead quiet and empty.

"Clear!" Kensi called from her location in the house.

"Clear!" Callen called next.

And finally Sam. "Clear"

Kensi kept searching till she found a door and opened it, keeping a hold on her gun she searched the room. The female agent lowered her gun when she caught something.

"Callen! Sam! You guys gotta see this" Kensi called to her partners.

The two male agents had gone to the room to see Kensi and when they stepped in they both were stunned. Pictures of Deeks and Dani were scattered all over the wall. Dani at school, the father and daughter together, Deeks alone. Callen quickly pulled his phone out and called Eric, putting the phone on speaker.

"What's up Callen?" The tech responded.

"Eric, where's Deeks?" Callen asked urgently.

"He's not here. Hetty was talking to him then went outside for air, he never came back"

Sam then spoke from his spot. "Walker lured him out. Eric, see if Deeks had any incoming calls or texts recently"

There was a brief pause on the phone before the tech had come back on. "Deeks had an incoming call on his phone, blocked number. I can't trace it must be a burner. It lasted just about a minute before it went out"

"Can you get a trace on Deeks?" Callen asked.

"I'm trying, he either cut his phone off or turned the GPS off. I can't get him. Not even his car. I think Deeks went AWOL"

"Try and find him Eric, if you can, pull the audio off the phone"

"You got it G"

"Thanks Eric"

The agent in charge hung up the phone looking at his two partners. "This just went from bad to worse"

"Deeks going AWOL, Walker made contact. My guess, come see me alone or Dani dies. Being a parent, it's no guess what Deeks chose" Sam spoke. "If I were in his shoes I'd do the same. Any parent would do it to get their child back"

"Even if it gets him killed? What about Dani?" Kensi asked, worried for her partner and the teen girl. "We need to find him before he gets killed"

"And we will, Eric is tracking his movement. Hopefully we get something" Callen assured her.

"And if we don't?"

"We cross that bridge when we get there"


Deeks had gone to the factory and he had cut off his phone and the GPS to his car. He got out of the car. Nightfall began, he pulled his gun out and began looking around, unknown to him someone began following him. The person had worn a mask and went behind him bashing him behind the head knocking him out.

When the unconscious detective landed on the ground he was dragged to the factory by his arms and then tied to a chair. The man had began strapping a bomb to him.

"And now it's time for the game to really begin, detective"

Detective Deeks JrWhere stories live. Discover now