Untitled Part 12

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The NCIS team was standing around after saving their partner, the three agents looked on as their friend was holding his daughter in his arms letting tears fall. Thankfully they managed to save their partner and young niece both in one piece.

Deeks took a moment after finally managing to separate himself from his daughter he carried something to his team in his hands. He didn't wanna do this but after this, he had no choice. The detective had one too many close calls, his daughter getting kidnapped and held hostage had completely drawn the line. That had been the final straw for Deeks.

Looking down in his hands were his badge and gun, two of his most treasured and prized possessions from his long career. But one thing he always told himself, he was a father before a cop. Screw the job, hell screw any job. His little girl came first, she was the most important thing in his life. He couldn't lose her. She was the only thing keeping him together.

After what seemed like forever he made it to his team, he was slightly beaten up but he managed to hold his head up. His left eye was heavily bruised. Blood trickled down from his nose but had dried. This was going to be hard to break to them, he was already choking up at the thought and the words.

"Deeks, what's wrong? Is Dani ok?" Callen asked his friend worriedly.

"Yeah, Dani's fine. She's good. I uh... I just wanted to say you guys have been one of the best teams that I have ever worked with. You became mine and Dani's family for so long and I wouldn't trade you guys, Eric, Nell, and Hetty, for anything. I owe you guys a lot for accepting me onto your team and accepting my daughter. It means so much to me" Deeks told them, trying not to completely break down.

"Deeks, what are you..are you leaving?" Kensi asked hurt, tears pooling in her eyes at his words.

"You don't have to leave the job," Sam told him.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a choice," The blonde man told them.

"Deeks think about this before you come to any rash decisions" Callen advised him.

Without another word, the blonde detective put his badge and gun in the senior agent's hand and walked away sniffing back tears.

"Deeks! Deeks!"



After coming up with a plan to rescue Deeks and their niece Callen, Sam, and Kensi had started to gear up. They had gathered up all the weapons they could before they headed out Hetty had gone to her team.

"By any means necessary, you bring Mr. Deeks and Dani home," Hetty told them.

"You know we will Hetty, nobody messes with this family and gets away with it," Callen told her.

"Go bring them home"

Without another word spoken by anyone, the small trio headed out going to the docks. Hetty couldn't tell them yet about what Deeks had decided regarding his future. It wasn't her place to tell them but she knew they would all be hurt by it.

It was nightfall and they were going around quietly to avoid getting caught. Deeks was coming around he was once again tied up he tried moving his fingers in his pocket, he almost always carried a knife on him. The detective had kept his eyes on his daughter, Dani's breathing was finally calm, even after allowing the medication from her inhaler to work. Valentine had left but hadn't been back yet, this may have been their chance to hopefully escape.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm so sorry, I...I just wanted to help Seth and try to be like you" Dani sniffed.

"Sweetheart, we'll talk about this later alright. My main concern is getting you out of here. But you can definitely expect to be grounded for a while" Deeks told his daughter. "Just stay calm and breathe. Don't panic or get upset"

Detective Deeks JrWhere stories live. Discover now