Untitled Part 8

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"Dani's WHAT?!"

Callen winced hearing his friend. He had that coming. "Deeks, I will find her. I don't care if I have to tear apart the entire state to find her. I will bring Dani back to you. I give you my word"

"She...she's my little girl" He turned not trying to choke up. "I broke my promise to Grace. I failed my wife and little girl"

"No you didn't. Dani is damn lucky to have you as a father. She's smart, brave, and tough. Everything she learned, she learned from you. Dani will be fine"

"Did you find anything?"


"Did you get anything?"

"Eric and Nell are still working on finding Seth, he can lead us to where they are or where they might be holding Dani"

The worried father looked at him. "That's not all you have is it?"


"Dammit Callen, this is my daughter! Just tell me the truth!"

The agent in charge sighed. "There's a video-"

"Show it to me"

"It's not going to be pretty"

"I understand"

Callen took his friend upstairs before they entered Ops he turned to face him. "Deeks, I'm going to warn you it's not going to be pretty. It's bad"

"I can handle it"

The blonde agent walked him in and everyone looked at them, Callen looked at Eric. "I need you to play the video for Deeks"

"Callen are you sure.." Eric trailed off.

"We're sure Eric. Play the video"

After typing and doing a couple clicks the video popped up, when the dirty blonde man saw the video pop up on the screen his heart just about stopped. His blood went ice cold. When the guy was done talking and moved from in front of the camera and his terrified eyes locked onto his daughter on the screen, he felt his knees buckling.

What had definitely caught his eye was the bomb strapped to her. Her thumb was tied to something. It had caught Sam and Kensi off guard as they both had gasped. Before he knew it the panicked father felt his knees had caved and he dropped to the floor.

"Deeks, Deeks" Callen dropped to his level, he felt his friend shaking.

"Dani....she...there's a bomb on her" He stammered out.

"I'm sorry but I have to take you off"

"Like hell you are"

"You're too personally involved with the case, I can't allow you to stay on but we will keep you updated"

"Dani wouldn't be god knows where if it weren't for you! If you hadn't asked her anything about that location she would still be here"

Before Callen could get a word out the scared father had stormed out trying to calm down. Sam had gone after him while Kensi and the two techs stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. None of them knew Deeks had a temper. Kensi had gone to Callen putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Callen, he didn't mean it. He's scared. Deeks isn't thinking straight" Kensi consoled him.

"He's partially right, if I hadn't asked Dani to go out then maybe she wouldn't have snuck out" Callen replied.

"We don't know that"

Before the agent in charge could say something Nell spoke. "Guys, we got a lead on Seth"

Sam followed his scared and panicked friend outside. The dirty blonde man was pacing frantically back and forth just about ripping the hair from his head. His anxiety was sky high, terrified of losing his daughter.

"Deeks, it's not Callen's fault. He knows and understands that you're angry but it's not your fault" Sam spoke.

"So it's Dani's fault?"

"I didn't say that. Dani is a kid, kids do reckless things. She thought she was helping Seth out"

"Sam I...I can't lose her. She's all I have left of Grace. She's my baby" His voice cracked.

"You won't lose her because we will find her in time. Trust us enough to find her. If this was one of my children, I'd let the others handle it. Callen, Kensi, all of them will do whatever it takes to find any one especially if it's one of our own"

"I tried and tried so hard to keep her out of this world. I tried to keep my work life separate from Dani for so long. I can't lose her the way I had lost Grace. Where'd all the time go? It was like yesterday she's this little baby in my arms and now she's almost an adult"

"Kids always grow up so fast, before we even know it. I tailed my daughter's school bus for a month when she started school"

"I tailed Dani's bus for 2 months when she took the bus, when I took her to school and watched as she went inside. Once I knew she was inside I left"

"Dani will be fine, I promise"

"I have to be on the case"

"That's going to be between Hetty and Callen"

"What if she has an asthma attack? What if she doesn't have her inhaler? What if-"

"Deeks relax, don't start with the what ifs they will drive you insane"

Before the father could say anything Callen and Kensi came out. The blonde haired agent looked between his partner and his friend. Deeks blue eyes met Callen's, his heart raced in his chest.

"Callen no. Please no" He begged.

"I have Eric and Nell trying to trace the feed of the video, they did however find Seth"

"What are we waiting for?"

"Sam and I will go get him, you stay here with Kensi"

"You can't bench me"

"I'm sorry but I have to"

Deeks let out a frustrated scream and went back inside and Kensi went after him. Sam looked to his partner.

"Don't take it personally G, he's scared. He's acting the way any terrified parent would"

"I've learned that lesson with you, I'm letting him get it out of his system. Let's go get Seth"

"You think Deeks gave the dating my daughter talk?"

"Nope. But he's going to"

Detective Deeks JrWhere stories live. Discover now