Untitled Part 14

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When the others had heard Deeks' pleas to Callen they couldn't help but feel heartbroken but they knew from the start. Deeks didn't care for himself, his life was about his daughter and his first and main priority was making sure she got out safe and alive.

Deeks had undone the tape on her finger and finally giving it some movement but didn't dare take his finger off it. His worried eyes were scanning the bomb that was strapped to his daughter, if the bomb squad wasn't gonna make it in time he would attempt to get it off safely while Callen got her out.

"Dad" came Dani's soft and tired voice. "I wanna go home"

The shaggy-haired father kissed her head. "I know sweetheart, you'll be home soon enough"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"I'm not worried about that right now, we'll deal with that later"

"I was only trying to help"

Before Deeks could say something Eric's voice came over the comms. "Guys bomb squad is on scene"

Callen sighed in relief and went to meet the bomb tech, Deeks was in so much relief he and his daughter were going to live another day. He just held her close avoiding triggering the bomb. He wouldn't tell her that this case was his last- at least not yet. But this was the final straw for him. His daughter came before any job. If he had to go back to trying boring ass law cases to ensure she would be safe then so be it.

"Were getting out of here Dani, we'll be home soon"

"I'm so sleepy" her finger was slowly slipping off the button.

He caught it gently and pressed down the button removing her finger slowly, he gently pressed his head against hers. Their lives were now literally in his hands. Callen rushed back with the bomb techs and let the techs do their work. One tech worked on Dani while the other worked on Deeks. Within a couple of minutes the techs had the bombs defused along the detonators.

Once the bombs were defused they were safely taken off the father and daughter. Deeks hadn't wasted one second and pulled his daughter into his arms and held her close. Dani clung to her father tightly sniffing back tears, he pulled her back to scan her over for any injuries. Thankfully she wasn't hurt.

"Let's go home" Deeks told her, keeping her close.

The teen girl simply nodded and she finally saw Callen and went to hug her one surrogate uncle. Callen held her tightly. "What do you say we get you out of here?"

"It smells like a dump," Dani says softly.

Soon they started making their way out of the factory. The NCIS team were standing around after saving their partner and Dani, the three agents looked on as their friend was holding his daughter in his arms letting tears fall. Thankfully they managed to save their partner and young niece both in one piece.

Deeks took a moment after finally managing to separate himself from his daughter he carried something to his team in his hands. He didn't wanna do this but after this, he had no choice. The detective had one too many close calls, his daughter getting kidnapped and held hostage had completely drawn the line. That had been the final straw for Deeks.

Looking down in his hands were his badge and gun, two of his most treasured and prized possessions from his long career. But one thing he always told himself, he was a father before a cop. Screw the job, hell screw any job. His little girl came first, she was the most important thing in his life. He couldn't lose her. She was the only thing keeping him together.

After what seemed like forever he made it to his team, he was slightly beaten up but he managed to hold his head up. His left eye was heavily bruised. Blood trickled down from his nose but had dried. This was going to be hard to break to them, he was already choking up at the thought and the words.

"Deeks, what's wrong? Is Dani ok?" Callen asked his friend worriedly.

"Yeah, Dani's fine. She's good. I uh... I just wanted to say you guys have been one of the best teams that I have ever worked with. You became mine and Dani's family for so long and I wouldn't trade you guys, Eric, Nell, and Hetty, for anything. I owe you guys a lot for accepting me onto your team and accepting my daughter. It means so much to me" Deeks told them, trying not to completely break down.

"Deeks, what are you..are you leaving?" Kensi asked hurt, tears pooling in her eyes at his words.

"You don't have to leave the job," Sam told him.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a choice," The blonde man told them.

"Deeks think about this before you come to any rash decisions" Callen advised him.

Without another word, the blonde detective put his badge and gun in the senior agent's hand and walked away sniffing back tears.

"Deeks! Deeks!"

The shaggy blonde man had taken his daughter to the nearby ambulance and loaded her inside to take her to the hospital for a proper evaluation. Physically she looked fine but he wanted to be sure.

The three agents stood in shock at what their partner had dropped on them. He was leaving the team and turned in his badge and gun. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't.

"He can't just leave can he?" Kensi asked, wiping her eyes.

"He's probably not thinking, emotions are high" Sam spoke up.

"Let's head back to Ops, close this then check on him and Dani" Callen told them. "Let's give Deeks time with Dani, gather his thoughts and go from there"

The three agents had gathered their gear and went back to Ops. When they arrived Hetty was there to meet her team, the smaller woman looked up at the three agents.

"How are Mr. Deeks and Dani?" Hetty asked.

"They're both fine, at the hospital getting looked over" Sam answered.

"Deeks turned in his badge and gun" Kensi informed her, her voice still full of hurt.

When she hadn't said anything the three agents had taken that as a huge sign. Especially Callen, the senior agent eyed her.

"You knew? He told you and you couldn't tell us?" Callen asked.

"It's not my place to tell you, it was his. He's doing what he feels is best for him and Dani" Hetty told them. "This is a hard decision he had to make but it's his decision. He's fought with this decision for a while and he feels this is what will be best for him and Dani. All of you change and in the morning go see them"

They had done what was asked of them. At the hospital Dani was cleared of any physical injuries, Deeks had a few slight injuries but nothing major, the father and daughter were gonna stay overnight for an observation and will be released in the morning.

The now calm father had stayed by his daughter's bed side, the day's events catching up to the both of them. Deeks was trying to gather his thoughts to talk to his daughter and tried to make sure he wouldn't entirely lose his temper on her. His tired blue eyes went to his sleeping daughter. One hand took one of hers and he used the other to brush her hair back off her forehead.

"I'll make sure nobody ever hurts you again. I just hope that this is the right decision for us. For you" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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