Untitled Part 7

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"What the hell did you do?!"

"Deeks calm-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

"Deeks enough!" Came Sam's loud, commanding voice.

Sam had pulled the angry, panicked father away from Callen. Deeks had been breathing deep and heavy trying to calm down, he found himself flexing one of his hands. The other hand, gripping his daughter's phone, he was trying to calm down.

"We will find her Deeks, just calm down and relax"

"How do you expect us to find her? Her phone is here! She ghosted us!"

Before Callen or Sam could say something the panicked father spoke again. "And don't tell me to calm down either"

"We'll put an alert out on her but-" Before Callen could finish Deeks once again cut him off.

"No buts. I'm staying on the case, I'm finding my little girl"

"You know you can't"

"If you had just been watching her, she wouldn't be missing! I've already lost my wife. I'll be damned if I lose my little girl too!"

The dirty blonde man stormed away to hopefully calm down. He went outside to get some air. Callen ran up to the Ops center while Sam went to check on Deeks. Outside the former Seal saw the panicked father.

"We'll find her, Callen will tear this entire city apart to find her. We won't stop looking" Sam told him.

"This is exactly why I don't want her involved in this line of work, now she's out god knows where in this damn city doing god knows what" The father panicked, he looked at his friend with panicked eyes. "What if they find her Sam? What if they hurt her? I..I can't lose her. She's all I've got Sam" He felt himself choking up.

"Deeks don't go there, we will find her. I promise"

As fast as his legs would take him Callen had gone up to Ops, Kensi, Nell and Eric were working on finding Seth when Callen walked in highly determined.

"Eric, I need you to put an alert out about Dani. A BOLO, AMBER Alert, everything you can" The agent in charge told the young tech.

"You got it G" Eric responded, working fast.

"Callen is Dani..." Kensi started but trailed off.

"She's a ghost. She left here and disappeared, she was smart and left her phone so we wouldn't track her. She's in the wind"

The young tech looked at the agent. "Do we have an updated picture of Dani to use? The one we have is a few years old"

Callen pulled a picture from his wallet and gave him an updated picture of their niece. Deeks had only given his team and his mother a school picture of his daughter. Erin began working on the alerts.

"I'm going to go check on Deeks" Kensie says, going to check on her partner.

After the female agent left Callen stayed behind watching Eric and Nell work on getting the alerts out. The redhead tech looked back at him.

"You couldn't have known she was going to sneak out Callen, this isn't on you. It's not on any of you" Nell assured him.

"I asked her if Sam and I brought her to where she saw Seth at the factory. If anything happens to her this will be on me and I don't blame Deeks if he's pissed at me. I shouldn't have gone behind his back and asked her something like this and now she went AWOL. This is on me to find her, whatever happens to her is on my head" Callen spoke.

Eric was on the computer typing and he saw a link on an anti government website. He clicked it and his heart just about stopped.

"Callen, we have a big problem"


Dani woke up tied to a chair in the factory she snuck in, it had a damp smell that stinks to high hell. She would have gagged but couldn't with the cloth tied around her mouth. The teen tried to move but couldn't, she had zip ties around her wrists and ankles. When she looked down to her chest, her eyes nearly went wide. They had strapped a bomb to her chest, her breathing had slightly picked up but she couldn't panic. The more she panicked the more she'd go into an asthma attack.

When a man had popped into her face she felt herself lean back in the chair but not enough to tip over, the smell coming from the guy was foul. He smelled like gas and a type of powder.

"You'll help us to start off the war dear sister. It'll be over soon, just don't take your thumb off the trigger"

Dani's eyes went wide seeing her thumb on a red button tapped down on it. She swallowed hard. Next thing she knew there was a camera in front of her. The teen was hiding her fear.

The man stood in front of the camera. "Hello cruel world, we've given you the chance to change. All we asked for was peace and in return you've given us nothing, you wanted a war, now you've got one. And with the help of our sister, this war will be started today"

He moved to reveal Dani. The teen had tears fall from her eyes as she looked into the camera.

When Callen and the two techs saw the feed and looked at their niece, with wide terrified blue eyes. They knew Deeks was definitely going to go off.

"Eric, Nell, track that feed see if you can get a location" Callen told them.

"What are you gonna do?" Eric asked.

"I have to go tell Deeks"

The agent in charge had gone down to see his team, Sam and Kensi were trying to calm the panicked father down. He didn't wanna tell the worried father this kind of news but this was his fault.

"Sam, Kensi, I need you up in Ops to help Eric and Nell track something. I need to talk to Deeks. Alone"

The two didn't argue but patted their friend's shoulder and went upstairs. Callen went over to the liaison.

"Let's go talk in private Deeks"

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