ooc drafts

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💭three points 【③】

【①】beach, barbecue, old necklace

going to malibu after school was jay's favourite things to do, the sun felt so good on his tanned skin, and the sand beneath his feet just made him feel like he was back at home, his true home if you will.

seeing all of his friends standing by the shoreline putting on their suits and laughing made it feel like a even better day to be here on the beach!

they were planning a cook out that day as well, and a small little bonfire that night after a couple of hours of surfing, malibu wasn't as packed during this time, which made surfing a bit more relaxing, the perfect time to do it was in the morning but has to attend university.

but now after a long stressful day here he was now sitting in the water, the dark blue water felt cold abs the sun was now making the sky turn a beautiful shade of orange. and the ambiance was turning into that dark shade of greyish blue, he smiles the truely for the first time that day.

"jay! are you coming? we are about to start!" a girl said, and jay nods his head. "i will be there in a second!" he exclaims, his foot than stepped in a cold metal and he looks down too see a necklace laying in the wet laying of the sand, he grabs it and looks at it for a second.

it looked handmade, and very much looked like a excellent craftsman, he was shocked a bit, the diamond in the middle lost a little of its shine from it being in the salt water.

the girl walked up to him and pats his arm. "come on jay!" she spoke with a huge smile on her face, as they both now were standing by the fire, and the necklace that was now sitting in the pocket of his pants felt heavy, and the cold metal pressing against his skin.

【②】caves, lemons, shadows.

caves are full of mystery, all of earth's finest treasures, are in a cave, it shows what planet earth is capable of, and how truely bless they were that they were constantly surrounded by it's natural beauty.

   but as they entered the dark tunnel the sounds of the wind was now becoming mute, and the only sounds that could be heard was the rocks beneath jay's and michael's feet.

his key's made a soft jingle sound that echo as they walk down the cave, darkness sooner or later could be the only thing they saw, and the light from their beloved torch was a godsend.

michael his well beloved friend  was walking close behind him, his dark brown eyes looking around with curiosity, but the fear was very well hidden, jay gave props too the younger for always being so tough, but not being careless, the field that they were both in didn't need carelessly, life sacrificing individuals.

their breathing hitch, when they felt a rock hit their feet, and hush whispers was greeting their ears, the pressure that they both felt, was heavy on their hearts, and breathing felt like a sudden struggle,  everything all of the sudden felt louder, and the cave felt never ending he felt like he was trapped in a closed in space.

jay remembered, that this place was also haunted, a lot of ghosts and demons love  it here, it was a play ground for them, they shook their heads and patted their cheeks, and they both gave each other a bright smile that could almost make the sun shine increasingly brighter.

Because they both knew, that everything would be ok, that the demons that possessed this place would never actually hurt them, they where whispering the caves biggest secrets and stories, jay and michael smile at each other, because thanks to them they made it to the most prettiest part.

their was a giant hole at the very top, the sun's beautiful raises were shining down on the lush patches of grass, as trees that had large lemons hanging of them were growing out from the wall, everything was bright and full of character, it made the two boys laugh as their hands run through the leaves and the tall grass.

michael runs his hands through his hair as he looked around the place and he picks of a vibrant lemon that was hanging off one of the tree's and looks at jay with those same curious brown eyes from earlier.

"jay, isn't this weird?" michael asks in wonder, as his thin hand reach the top of his head, scratching his scalp as he was now questioning everything. he was a big ole skeptic, michael liked the true, and if something didn't have an explanation, than you were kinda on your own.

jay walk up to the tree and looked at and picked a lemon off from it as well as they both were kinda skeptic at this point, this place felt so weird but it almost felt comforting to them, as the gentle whispers soothed those second thought and that skepticism that was wrapping around both of their brains.

michael was ready to go, and jay was definitely was too, he felt like those demons wanted them stay forever , the harsh whispers of "don't go!" over and over again began and it made them even more eager.

💭сойка !

"boys aren't supposed to be in here." , a girl at the counter said, as she flipped the pages of her Seventeen magazine, her false nails tapping against the marble countertop as her bright blue eyes looked back at him. "get out of here you damn weirdo." she spoke as she walked in front of the boy, his thin hands trembling as she grabbed the items from him.

he stood in front of the entrance, and ran his thin fingers through his curly black hair and straighten his baggy denim jacket, and wrapped it a little around his thin frame, he felt like everyone was now staring at him.

of course it was 1986, everyone was so judgmental, a man was meant to be strong, not paint their nails a pretty shade of pink, or kiss other boys. that was weird, and now he felt ashamed as he walked back to his car and  he felt like hiding himself for the longest time.

"how did it go?" michael was his best friend, their bright red hair was messy, and was wearing a baggy band tee, with grungy jeans.   "horrible, just horrible." his breathing was becoming shaky and he slid down the car seat.
"i honestly think you should just say it's for your girlfriend and not for yourself." the younger of the two said and jay pouted.

"if you don't stand up for the things u want, there will never be a change, and then in the future there will be more assholes just like her." jay spoke as michael put in his AC/CD cassette tape into the car radio and turned up his volume.

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