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Trying to select an omega was hard,  Namjoon always struggling to find the right one to be his mate for life, he wants to find the one but every omega safe house goes to never has the one, until he does, he was looking through the room and he was disappointed as per-usual until he saw an omega with an kimono on, it was a dark blue colour and their long black hair was touching the wooden floorboards, their long fingers was holding two wooden crocheting needles facing the other way, and the beauty smelt delightful, like a sugary cake on Christmas morning.

"Who is that omega?" Namjoon points at the omega and the person laughs a little.

"That's hoseok, he is a mute, and he doesn't really want a mate, he isn't your type anyways." Namjoon rolls his eyes, he doesn't have a type, how do they know what type he has? But he walks up to the omega and he startles them they try to run away but he stops them, alpha commands them really, and he gasps for air when he saw their big brown doe eyes and their heart shaped lips shaped downward, they looked distressed.

"Hey, you might be our highest payer, but leave an omega alone when they don't want you, mainly Hoseok." And Namjoon frowns and his eyebrows furrowed together and he looks at the women and he walks up to her.

"If a king wants an omega, a peasant doesn't have the right to decline a king of one." He bites out angrily, " so when I want one, you go to your desk and you fill out the paperwork and give them to me." and hoseok whines, he doesn't like this, hoseok doesn't want to be with anyone, but this man seems very important, and Hoseok doesn't want to make them angry, if he could make his nesting blanket than he didn't care, he put a lot of love in to it, the omega taps his arm and lifts up his blanket and the bag of yarn he had, and Namjoon eyes soften.

"Yea, you can bring it with you." Hoseok's eyes twinkled and he looks down and he goes back to what he was doing, he was a good one, he didn't try to out his input in, well he actually can't because he was mute, he needs an alpha like him to lead him and guide him.

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