[ 🗯️ ] acorn currency ?

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squirrel discovering the human mall, and learning that acorns isn't a currency in the human world.

cosmo loves shopping, me loves skipping around and looking at what the world has to offer, looking at the many pretty clothes he could have, his wallet was full of leaves and acorns, and a little beeswax lipstick, and his favourite sunshades that he found abandoned

he was a hard working squirrel because he finds most things in is little adventures, so when he went to the mall, he was shocked that you don't pay with acorns and leafs, but this paper stuff that was this green like colour?

he tried to eat it but it wasn't very good, and neither was those copper things, "humans are weird." was what he was thinking the whole entire time.

the lady at the register looked at him with a raised eyebrow and goes "um bro, is this a joke?"

cosmo shook his head.

"no" he said.

he places the leafs and. acorns on the counter top and saw their was faces on the leafs and acorns. the teenage human at the countertop blinks and looks at it.

"bro this is a really good prank." they said with a laugh and slides the leafs back over to cosmo.

"you need american currency to pay." she says.

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